Reasons Why the Netanyahu Govt Is Preventing a Ceasefire Agreement

2024/05/21 | Note, political, top news

Strategic Council Online - Opinion: The last round of indirect negotiations between Hamas officials and the Zionist regime, which was conducted in Cairo with the mediation of Qatar, Egypt, and the United States, was unsuccessful due to the Zionists' "Obstruction." Hamid Khoshayand, an expert on regional issues

Hamas participated in the negotiations with a “serious and active” approach to ending the Gaza war, and in the final stage of the negotiations, it also announced its agreement with the draft agreement presented. However, the “excessiveness” of the Zionist regime’s war cabinet and Netanyahu’s insistence on pursuing the failed war goals practically stopped the talks.

Due to the continued genocide of the Zionist regime in Gaza and the bombing of Rafah, currently, the prospect of a ceasefire agreement between the conflicting parties is in an aura of uncertainty and is largely unattainable.

Right now, there is no “more important” issue than a ceasefire and an end to the war in Gaza. Both the necessary conditions for a ceasefire have been met, and the failure of the strategies and actions of the main side of the war, i.e., the Zionist regime, has made it imperative to accept the agreement.

Observing and evaluating the developments in the field, politics, etc., in Occupied Palestine, American intelligence reports and the statements of the former and current officials of the Zionist regime clearly show that Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance are the ultimate winners and if the war continues, there will be no success or achievement

for the Zionist regime and Netanyahu government even of tactical type. In this context, Ehud Olmert, the former prime minister of this regime, recently wrote in a note that “under any circumstances, Israel will not emerge victorious from the Gaza war.”

Therefore, what has caused the failure of the cease-fire talks and the continuation of the war in Gaza is Netanyahu’s “stubbornness” to continue the war, which happens to be contrary to the White House’s declared positions. ////////////// This has specific reasons that should be sought in the war cabinet of the Zionist regime and Benjamin Netatyahu’s extreme views.


Netanyahu worriedly evaluates any ceasefire agreement with Hamas to his own detriment. The most important and loudest voice that can be heard today in the Occupied Territories and clearly from the opposition and critical parties and currents and a large part of the public opinion is that Netanyahu’s actions regarding the operation Al-Aqsa Storm and the Gaza war have destroyed everything of the Zionist regime and this has put the regime on the verge of collapse. Therefore, there is no other choice but to hold early elections the day after the end of the war, and Netanyahu should step down from power.



Therefore, according to Netanyahu, accepting the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip means his “political death.” Thus, Netanyahu seeks an agreement to ensure his “survival” in power and that there will be an “escape” to resume the war whenever his cabinet chooses, which is practically impossible. The destruction of Hamas is one of the important variables that can help Netanyahu stay in power, but this goal cannot be achieved. More than seven months of full-scale war of the Zionist regime in Gaza not only did not weaken Hamas but also increased its strength in the field and its image and political popularity.

Therefore, the continuation of the war is Netanyahu’s “survival secret.”  He knows very well that by accepting the ceasefire, it will be more difficult to start the war again. It is worth pondering here that in February 2024, in a conversation with a //////number of families of Zionist prisoners and in response to their request to accept a ceasefire, he claimed, “If the ceasefire is accepted, the international community will no longer allow the war to resume.” We will not give in.”

In this framework, the US presidential election is also an important issue that has become an incentive for Netanyahu’s cabinet to oppose the ceasefire agreement. Netanyahu and hardline members of his cabinet believe that the text of the recent proposed ceasefire agreement was prepared by the White House and the Democrats, mostly for Biden’s victory in the upcoming elections. Meanwhile, Netanyahu does not have a good relationship with Biden and is still looking for the victory of his former ally, Trump, in the upcoming elections.

Netanyahu assesses Trump’s victory in the upcoming elections as a good opportunity to escape from the crises and consequences of the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm and the Gaza war, thereby ensuring his survival in power, so he opposes every initiative presented by Biden and the Democrats.

In any case, it must be emphasized that the “balance of war” in Gaza is to the detriment of the Zionist regime and this regime, both in terms of field-military developments and in terms of the pressures that exist in the region and at the international level, especially from the public opinion, from the “position has a weakness.

///////Therefore, accepting a permanent ceasefire is the most “realistic” option available to the Zionist regime. The fact that Netanyahu’s war cabinet thinks that it can destroy Hamas by continuing the war and even land attack on Rafah and put the Palestinian Resistance in a weak position to score more points is a “miscalculation” and more like an “illusion”.

Hamas is not only one of the powerful military pillars of the Palestinian Resistance, but it is an “experienced political” organization that is well aware of the situation it is in and what is happening inside the Zionist regime and the regional and international scene. It never compromises, nor would it give concessions to the Zionist regime.

Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance look at the ceasefire talks with a positive and fruitful view and have shown “flexibility” several times to facilitate reaching an agreement to stop the genocide and the war in Gaza. But at the same time, they will never allow the Zionist regime to exploit the ceasefire negotiations militarily and politically or turn it into an excuse to “buy time” and advance its military goals.



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