Zionist Regime’s Ploys for Arms Aid to Ukraine, without Official Notification

2023/02/22 | Note, political, top news

Strategic Council Online - Opinion: In the official positions of the Zionist regime, the fact that Israel limits itself to humanitarian aid to Ukraine and refuses to provide military aid to that country and has not allowed weapons containing Israeli parts to Ukraine by third countries, has been repeated many times. Regarding the war between Russia and Ukraine, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen emphasizes that ‘humanitarian aid will be maintained. We will definitely take one measure, we will have less public words and we will prepare a report containing recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the cabinet ministers so that appropriate policies can be set; in any case we will continue humanitarian aid to Ukraine’. Mahmoud Fazeli - International affairs analyst

Despite the remarks of the official authorities of the Zionist regime, “Ron Prossor”, the ambassador of the Zionist regime in Germany, announced that the Zionist regime supports Ukraine in the war with Russia on a larger scale than what the general public knows. The Zionist regime helps Ukraine but “behind the scenes and much more than what is announced”.

Initially, the Zionist regime did not agree to the delivery of weapons from its territory to Ukraine due to the fear of the deterioration of its relations with Moscow, and it plans to continue this policy. But some evidence suggests that nearly half of the 300,000 shells of 155mm cannon have been allocated to Ukraine and are currently being shipped to Europe for later delivery to the Ukrainian armed forces.

There is evidence that the US is using its stockpiles of 155 mm artillery shells in Israel, which are stored for military operations in the Middle East, for the ammunition needed by Ukraine. There are 300,000 rounds of NATO standard ammunition in those warehouses. Ukraine uses 90,000 cannonballs per month, which is twice the production capacity of the United States, and as a result, Washington has turned to the stockpiles in Israel. Those warehouses were created during the Arab-Israeli war in 1973, and the United States used to provide its army with the required weapons in the Middle East wars, of course the Zionist regime also has the right to use those ammunitions in a crisis situation.

Yevgen Korniychuk, Ukraine’s ambassador to the Zionist regime, also claims that “Ukraine will officially transfer from Israel the Israeli technologies with a smart warning system to counter missile and drone attacks. This technology is officially provided by Israel and I imagine that in a certain period of time we will receive this technology completely. The minister of defense of Ukraine, in his most recent positions, has also confirmed the published information about the promise of the Zionist regime to transfer the missile warning technologies to Kiev.

The spokesman of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Yuriy Ignat, believes that if Ukraine actually receives Israeli weapons, this will be very good news for the Ukrainian armed forces. If the member countries of the NATO treaty receive the relevant permits from the Zionist regime and have the right to deliver weapons and items produced in that country to Ukraine, this will be ‘very good news for us. Israel produces various types of military products and everyone knows very well that Israel is the leader in the world market of weapons and the variety of weapons with excellent technologies. I will not comment further on the published news because only a certain circle of people know what topics can be discussed’.

Michael Brodsky, Israel’s ambassador to Ukraine, announced that ‘security agreements have been concluded between Israel and Russia, which limit the provision of aid from Jerusalem to Ukraine. The limitations that have been created cannot be ignored. Most of the countries that supply offensive weapons to Ukraine are NATO member countries, but Israel is not a member of that alliance. Israel is a relatively small country in the Middle East that faces huge security problems. We use our military equipment almost every day, we are in the Middle East, which is one of the most unstable regions in the world, and we are always just one step away from the next war. In such a situation, the Zionist regime shows complete caution and thinks about the safety of its citizens and the security of its military personnel before anything else, for this reason, the Zionist regime has clear “red lines” that Kiev is well aware of’.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has so far supported Russia and Israel refused to condemn the annexation of Crimea in 2014, said in recent days: I will carefully examine the possibility of sending weapons to Ukraine and do this in line with the interests of Israel. The previous Israeli government rejected it. I will look into this matter and respond in an appropriate manner. The government will consider this issue according to Israel’s interests.

Russia has threatened that any shipment containing weapons to Ukraine would become a legitimate target for Russia and would receive a retaliatory military response from Moscow.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has recently announced that he is ready to act as a mediator in the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia if offered again by Ukraine, Russia and the United States. At the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he was unofficially asked to act as a mediator, but he refused to accept the offer at the time, as he was then the leader of the opposition, not the prime minister. He is now ready to examine the role of the mediator in the negotiations, but for this purpose there must be an “appropriate time and conditions”.

There are many politicians in the Zionist regime who have been attracted by Russia in various ways, and Netanyahu is not expected to suddenly change his attitude and criticize Putin. Any change in the positions of the Zionist regime is related to the pressure that the US can exert on its ally. But the Zionist regime can help Ukraine not only through weapons but also with equipment for energy infrastructure and supply of drinking water, food products and the similar.

The Zionist regime is very cautious about Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Despite the US request, the Zionist regime previously refused to approve the UN Security Council resolution condemning the Russian attack. The Zionist regime’s air defense was not given to Zelensky, and even Ukraine’s request to receive a helmet and bulletproof vest was rejected by the Zionist regime. Ukraine promised to distribute them only among civilians. Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, no high-ranking official of the Zionist regime has met with Ukrainian President Zelensky.


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