جدیدترین مطالب

Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

Strategic Council Online—An expert on Caucasus issues said that the Turkish Foreign Minister recently stated in a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart: “Our current strategy is dialogue and peace, and we ask Iran and Russia to play a constructive role in this process.” According to these statements, Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees and its consequences have once again been considered.

Japan’s Goals of Strengthening Its Military Power in East Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Japan said: Strengthening Japan’s military activities is a 25-year plan to show that it is capable of becoming one of the military powers of the region and the world by relying on its military values and capabilities.

An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on European issues said: The British Labor Party, led by Keir Starmer, won the election by winning an overwhelming majority of the seats in the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Conservative party, led by Rishi Sunak, has lost 170 seats and is on the way to its heaviest political defeat since the party was founded in the 19th century.

Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.



Dangers of Geopolitical Change in Caucasus; Importance of 3+3 Joint Consultations

Dangers of Geopolitical Change in Caucasus; Importance of 3+3 Joint Consultations

Strategic Council Online – Interview: A senior researcher at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies saying that the Russians do not have a similar Iranian perception of the level of threat that would lead to fundamental geopolitical change in the Caucasus, noted: If the corridor sought by Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan is created by military action or threat, the balance of power in the region as a whole will change, and Russia will certainly suffer greatly.

Collective engagement in the Caucasus; securing the interests of all regional countries

Collective engagement in the Caucasus; securing the interests of all regional countries

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An analyst of the Caucasus issues says any efforts to change international borders and geopolitics of the region are considered as redline for Iran, adding that “it is expected that the emphasis of the Azerbaijan Republic on the 3+3 model of cooperation will be beyond the policies applied by this country and we would witness measures which would indicate this country is interested in collective and regional political cooperation instead of reliance on the Zionist regime or foreign powers”.

Unacceptable Ambitions of Azeri President to Change Geopolitics of Caucasus

Unacceptable Ambitions of Azeri President to Change Geopolitics of Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on international and regional affairs, referring to the destructive role of the Zionist regime in the Caucasus and considering the confession of the President of Azerbaijan on using Israeli drones, said: The recent provocative actions of the government of President Ilham Aliyev in holding a joint maneuver with Turkey and the Zionist regime along Iran’s northwestern borders and Aliyev’s accusations against Iran within the context of his family’s long-standing and unacceptable ambition to change the geopolitics of the Caucasus can be analyzed.

Strategic Targets, Consequences of Recent Unrest in Caucasus

Strategic Targets, Consequences of Recent Unrest in Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: In recent weeks, news of the harassment Azeri soldiers caused the Iranian transit vehicles passing through the disputed territories of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia has been frequently published in the media. The question that arises in this regard is whether those behaviors are cross-sectional or a sign of the change in the approach that should be taken more seriously by the Islamic Republic of Iran and a solution should be considered to deal with them?
Dr. Ehsan Movahedian – University professor and international relations researcher

Implications of Armenia’s Complaint against Republic of Azerbaijan At Intl. Court Of Justice

Implications of Armenia’s Complaint against Republic of Azerbaijan At Intl. Court Of Justice

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on Caucasus and Turkey affairs, referring to the reports that Armenia has filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice, accusing the Republic of Azerbaijan of putting Armenians under racial discrimination “for decades” and this is contrary to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which both countries have signed and said: This move by Armenia will not be of much benefit to the country in the short term. This is because the procedure in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is such that after a complaint is filed by Armenia, the Court must approve its jurisdiction by a majority of votes, and if no such majority is formed, the Court will refuse to continue the proceedings.

Joint Turkish Exercises in Caucasus: Geopolitical Objectives, Consequences

Joint Turkish Exercises in Caucasus: Geopolitical Objectives, Consequences

Strategic Council Online – opinion: Turkey has conducted two separate military exercises with the Republic of Azerbaijan on the one hand and Pakistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the other hand, on limited land and sea scale. The Ankara government pursues specific targets of holding exercises that are geopolitically “purposeful” and “meaningful”, and the recent exercise is one of Turkey’s most important measures since the end of the Second Karabakh War.
Hamid Khoshayand – International affairs analyst

Strategic dimensions of the recent tension in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Strategic dimensions of the recent tension in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An analyst of the Caucasus issues says the recent border tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan took place in line with imposing pressure upon Armenia with the goal of accepting to establish the Zangezur corridor, emphasizing that this corridor is not compatible with any of the present geopolitical and historical realities of the region and cannot be established and these pressures cannot force Armenia to accept it.

The evolution of the crisis in Relations between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia

The evolution of the crisis in Relations between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia

Strategic Council Online – Despite the passage of months since the end of the 44-day war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which began on September 27, 2020 and ended on November 10 with the signing of a tripartite statement by the presidents of Azerbaijan, Russia and the prime minister of Armenia, border clashes between the two sides continued and intensified in recent months; clashes that have resulted in the deaths of the military on both sides, while the two sides accuse each other of violating the peace agreement.
Hossein Asgarian – Tehran International Studies and Researc Institute (Abrar)

Strengthening Eastward Look in Future Government of Armenia

Strengthening Eastward Look in Future Government of Armenia

Strategic Council Online – Holding early parliamentary elections in Armenia on June 20 and victory of the “Civil Contract” Party led by “Nikol Pashinyan” with 53.92% of the votes can be studied in several ways.
Mehdi Khorsand – Expert on China and Eurasia affairs

Need to Be Vigilant towards Fragile Situation in Caucasus

Need to Be Vigilant towards Fragile Situation in Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – A senior researcher at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies, referring to the fragile situation in the Caucasus, said that taking advantage of the post-Karabakh ceasefire agreement requires cooperation, integration and negotiations among countries in the region and raising issues such as establishing a military base in that region is not a path to lead to convergence and cooperation in the Caucasus region.

أحدث الوظائف

Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

Strategic Council Online—An expert on Caucasus issues said that the Turkish Foreign Minister recently stated in a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart: “Our current strategy is dialogue and peace, and we ask Iran and Russia to play a constructive role in this process.” According to these statements, Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees and its consequences have once again been considered.

Japan’s Goals of Strengthening Its Military Power in East Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Japan said: Strengthening Japan’s military activities is a 25-year plan to show that it is capable of becoming one of the military powers of the region and the world by relying on its military values and capabilities.

An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on European issues said: The British Labor Party, led by Keir Starmer, won the election by winning an overwhelming majority of the seats in the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Conservative party, led by Rishi Sunak, has lost 170 seats and is on the way to its heaviest political defeat since the party was founded in the 19th century.

Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.



Dangers of Geopolitical Change in Caucasus; Importance of 3+3 Joint Consultations

Dangers of Geopolitical Change in Caucasus; Importance of 3+3 Joint Consultations

Strategic Council Online – Interview: A senior researcher at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies saying that the Russians do not have a similar Iranian perception of the level of threat that would lead to fundamental geopolitical change in the Caucasus, noted: If the corridor sought by Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan is created by military action or threat, the balance of power in the region as a whole will change, and Russia will certainly suffer greatly.

Collective engagement in the Caucasus; securing the interests of all regional countries

Collective engagement in the Caucasus; securing the interests of all regional countries

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An analyst of the Caucasus issues says any efforts to change international borders and geopolitics of the region are considered as redline for Iran, adding that “it is expected that the emphasis of the Azerbaijan Republic on the 3+3 model of cooperation will be beyond the policies applied by this country and we would witness measures which would indicate this country is interested in collective and regional political cooperation instead of reliance on the Zionist regime or foreign powers”.

Unacceptable Ambitions of Azeri President to Change Geopolitics of Caucasus

Unacceptable Ambitions of Azeri President to Change Geopolitics of Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on international and regional affairs, referring to the destructive role of the Zionist regime in the Caucasus and considering the confession of the President of Azerbaijan on using Israeli drones, said: The recent provocative actions of the government of President Ilham Aliyev in holding a joint maneuver with Turkey and the Zionist regime along Iran’s northwestern borders and Aliyev’s accusations against Iran within the context of his family’s long-standing and unacceptable ambition to change the geopolitics of the Caucasus can be analyzed.

Strategic Targets, Consequences of Recent Unrest in Caucasus

Strategic Targets, Consequences of Recent Unrest in Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: In recent weeks, news of the harassment Azeri soldiers caused the Iranian transit vehicles passing through the disputed territories of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia has been frequently published in the media. The question that arises in this regard is whether those behaviors are cross-sectional or a sign of the change in the approach that should be taken more seriously by the Islamic Republic of Iran and a solution should be considered to deal with them?
Dr. Ehsan Movahedian – University professor and international relations researcher

Implications of Armenia’s Complaint against Republic of Azerbaijan At Intl. Court Of Justice

Implications of Armenia’s Complaint against Republic of Azerbaijan At Intl. Court Of Justice

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on Caucasus and Turkey affairs, referring to the reports that Armenia has filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice, accusing the Republic of Azerbaijan of putting Armenians under racial discrimination “for decades” and this is contrary to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which both countries have signed and said: This move by Armenia will not be of much benefit to the country in the short term. This is because the procedure in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is such that after a complaint is filed by Armenia, the Court must approve its jurisdiction by a majority of votes, and if no such majority is formed, the Court will refuse to continue the proceedings.

Joint Turkish Exercises in Caucasus: Geopolitical Objectives, Consequences

Joint Turkish Exercises in Caucasus: Geopolitical Objectives, Consequences

Strategic Council Online – opinion: Turkey has conducted two separate military exercises with the Republic of Azerbaijan on the one hand and Pakistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the other hand, on limited land and sea scale. The Ankara government pursues specific targets of holding exercises that are geopolitically “purposeful” and “meaningful”, and the recent exercise is one of Turkey’s most important measures since the end of the Second Karabakh War.
Hamid Khoshayand – International affairs analyst

Strategic dimensions of the recent tension in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Strategic dimensions of the recent tension in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An analyst of the Caucasus issues says the recent border tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan took place in line with imposing pressure upon Armenia with the goal of accepting to establish the Zangezur corridor, emphasizing that this corridor is not compatible with any of the present geopolitical and historical realities of the region and cannot be established and these pressures cannot force Armenia to accept it.

The evolution of the crisis in Relations between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia

The evolution of the crisis in Relations between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia

Strategic Council Online – Despite the passage of months since the end of the 44-day war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which began on September 27, 2020 and ended on November 10 with the signing of a tripartite statement by the presidents of Azerbaijan, Russia and the prime minister of Armenia, border clashes between the two sides continued and intensified in recent months; clashes that have resulted in the deaths of the military on both sides, while the two sides accuse each other of violating the peace agreement.
Hossein Asgarian – Tehran International Studies and Researc Institute (Abrar)

Strengthening Eastward Look in Future Government of Armenia

Strengthening Eastward Look in Future Government of Armenia

Strategic Council Online – Holding early parliamentary elections in Armenia on June 20 and victory of the “Civil Contract” Party led by “Nikol Pashinyan” with 53.92% of the votes can be studied in several ways.
Mehdi Khorsand – Expert on China and Eurasia affairs

Need to Be Vigilant towards Fragile Situation in Caucasus

Need to Be Vigilant towards Fragile Situation in Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – A senior researcher at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies, referring to the fragile situation in the Caucasus, said that taking advantage of the post-Karabakh ceasefire agreement requires cooperation, integration and negotiations among countries in the region and raising issues such as establishing a military base in that region is not a path to lead to convergence and cooperation in the Caucasus region.


Dangers of Geopolitical Change in Caucasus; Importance of 3+3 Joint Consultations

Dangers of Geopolitical Change in Caucasus; Importance of 3+3 Joint Consultations

Strategic Council Online – Interview: A senior researcher at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies saying that the Russians do not have a similar Iranian perception of the level of threat that would lead to fundamental geopolitical change in the Caucasus, noted: If the corridor sought by Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan is created by military action or threat, the balance of power in the region as a whole will change, and Russia will certainly suffer greatly.

Collective engagement in the Caucasus; securing the interests of all regional countries

Collective engagement in the Caucasus; securing the interests of all regional countries

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An analyst of the Caucasus issues says any efforts to change international borders and geopolitics of the region are considered as redline for Iran, adding that “it is expected that the emphasis of the Azerbaijan Republic on the 3+3 model of cooperation will be beyond the policies applied by this country and we would witness measures which would indicate this country is interested in collective and regional political cooperation instead of reliance on the Zionist regime or foreign powers”.

Unacceptable Ambitions of Azeri President to Change Geopolitics of Caucasus

Unacceptable Ambitions of Azeri President to Change Geopolitics of Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on international and regional affairs, referring to the destructive role of the Zionist regime in the Caucasus and considering the confession of the President of Azerbaijan on using Israeli drones, said: The recent provocative actions of the government of President Ilham Aliyev in holding a joint maneuver with Turkey and the Zionist regime along Iran’s northwestern borders and Aliyev’s accusations against Iran within the context of his family’s long-standing and unacceptable ambition to change the geopolitics of the Caucasus can be analyzed.

Strategic Targets, Consequences of Recent Unrest in Caucasus

Strategic Targets, Consequences of Recent Unrest in Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: In recent weeks, news of the harassment Azeri soldiers caused the Iranian transit vehicles passing through the disputed territories of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia has been frequently published in the media. The question that arises in this regard is whether those behaviors are cross-sectional or a sign of the change in the approach that should be taken more seriously by the Islamic Republic of Iran and a solution should be considered to deal with them?
Dr. Ehsan Movahedian – University professor and international relations researcher

Implications of Armenia’s Complaint against Republic of Azerbaijan At Intl. Court Of Justice

Implications of Armenia’s Complaint against Republic of Azerbaijan At Intl. Court Of Justice

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on Caucasus and Turkey affairs, referring to the reports that Armenia has filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice, accusing the Republic of Azerbaijan of putting Armenians under racial discrimination “for decades” and this is contrary to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which both countries have signed and said: This move by Armenia will not be of much benefit to the country in the short term. This is because the procedure in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is such that after a complaint is filed by Armenia, the Court must approve its jurisdiction by a majority of votes, and if no such majority is formed, the Court will refuse to continue the proceedings.

Joint Turkish Exercises in Caucasus: Geopolitical Objectives, Consequences

Joint Turkish Exercises in Caucasus: Geopolitical Objectives, Consequences

Strategic Council Online – opinion: Turkey has conducted two separate military exercises with the Republic of Azerbaijan on the one hand and Pakistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the other hand, on limited land and sea scale. The Ankara government pursues specific targets of holding exercises that are geopolitically “purposeful” and “meaningful”, and the recent exercise is one of Turkey’s most important measures since the end of the Second Karabakh War.
Hamid Khoshayand – International affairs analyst

Strategic dimensions of the recent tension in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Strategic dimensions of the recent tension in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An analyst of the Caucasus issues says the recent border tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan took place in line with imposing pressure upon Armenia with the goal of accepting to establish the Zangezur corridor, emphasizing that this corridor is not compatible with any of the present geopolitical and historical realities of the region and cannot be established and these pressures cannot force Armenia to accept it.

The evolution of the crisis in Relations between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia

The evolution of the crisis in Relations between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia

Strategic Council Online – Despite the passage of months since the end of the 44-day war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which began on September 27, 2020 and ended on November 10 with the signing of a tripartite statement by the presidents of Azerbaijan, Russia and the prime minister of Armenia, border clashes between the two sides continued and intensified in recent months; clashes that have resulted in the deaths of the military on both sides, while the two sides accuse each other of violating the peace agreement.
Hossein Asgarian – Tehran International Studies and Researc Institute (Abrar)

Strengthening Eastward Look in Future Government of Armenia

Strengthening Eastward Look in Future Government of Armenia

Strategic Council Online – Holding early parliamentary elections in Armenia on June 20 and victory of the “Civil Contract” Party led by “Nikol Pashinyan” with 53.92% of the votes can be studied in several ways.
Mehdi Khorsand – Expert on China and Eurasia affairs

Need to Be Vigilant towards Fragile Situation in Caucasus

Need to Be Vigilant towards Fragile Situation in Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – A senior researcher at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies, referring to the fragile situation in the Caucasus, said that taking advantage of the post-Karabakh ceasefire agreement requires cooperation, integration and negotiations among countries in the region and raising issues such as establishing a military base in that region is not a path to lead to convergence and cooperation in the Caucasus region.


Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

Strategic Council Online—An expert on Caucasus issues said that the Turkish Foreign Minister recently stated in a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart: “Our current strategy is dialogue and peace, and we ask Iran and Russia to play a constructive role in this process.” According to these statements, Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees and its consequences have once again been considered.

Japan’s Goals of Strengthening Its Military Power in East Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Japan said: Strengthening Japan’s military activities is a 25-year plan to show that it is capable of becoming one of the military powers of the region and the world by relying on its military values and capabilities.

An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on European issues said: The British Labor Party, led by Keir Starmer, won the election by winning an overwhelming majority of the seats in the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Conservative party, led by Rishi Sunak, has lost 170 seats and is on the way to its heaviest political defeat since the party was founded in the 19th century.

Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.



Dangers of Geopolitical Change in Caucasus; Importance of 3+3 Joint Consultations

Dangers of Geopolitical Change in Caucasus; Importance of 3+3 Joint Consultations

Strategic Council Online – Interview: A senior researcher at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies saying that the Russians do not have a similar Iranian perception of the level of threat that would lead to fundamental geopolitical change in the Caucasus, noted: If the corridor sought by Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan is created by military action or threat, the balance of power in the region as a whole will change, and Russia will certainly suffer greatly.

Collective engagement in the Caucasus; securing the interests of all regional countries

Collective engagement in the Caucasus; securing the interests of all regional countries

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An analyst of the Caucasus issues says any efforts to change international borders and geopolitics of the region are considered as redline for Iran, adding that “it is expected that the emphasis of the Azerbaijan Republic on the 3+3 model of cooperation will be beyond the policies applied by this country and we would witness measures which would indicate this country is interested in collective and regional political cooperation instead of reliance on the Zionist regime or foreign powers”.

Unacceptable Ambitions of Azeri President to Change Geopolitics of Caucasus

Unacceptable Ambitions of Azeri President to Change Geopolitics of Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on international and regional affairs, referring to the destructive role of the Zionist regime in the Caucasus and considering the confession of the President of Azerbaijan on using Israeli drones, said: The recent provocative actions of the government of President Ilham Aliyev in holding a joint maneuver with Turkey and the Zionist regime along Iran’s northwestern borders and Aliyev’s accusations against Iran within the context of his family’s long-standing and unacceptable ambition to change the geopolitics of the Caucasus can be analyzed.

Strategic Targets, Consequences of Recent Unrest in Caucasus

Strategic Targets, Consequences of Recent Unrest in Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: In recent weeks, news of the harassment Azeri soldiers caused the Iranian transit vehicles passing through the disputed territories of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia has been frequently published in the media. The question that arises in this regard is whether those behaviors are cross-sectional or a sign of the change in the approach that should be taken more seriously by the Islamic Republic of Iran and a solution should be considered to deal with them?
Dr. Ehsan Movahedian – University professor and international relations researcher

Implications of Armenia’s Complaint against Republic of Azerbaijan At Intl. Court Of Justice

Implications of Armenia’s Complaint against Republic of Azerbaijan At Intl. Court Of Justice

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on Caucasus and Turkey affairs, referring to the reports that Armenia has filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice, accusing the Republic of Azerbaijan of putting Armenians under racial discrimination “for decades” and this is contrary to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which both countries have signed and said: This move by Armenia will not be of much benefit to the country in the short term. This is because the procedure in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is such that after a complaint is filed by Armenia, the Court must approve its jurisdiction by a majority of votes, and if no such majority is formed, the Court will refuse to continue the proceedings.

Joint Turkish Exercises in Caucasus: Geopolitical Objectives, Consequences

Joint Turkish Exercises in Caucasus: Geopolitical Objectives, Consequences

Strategic Council Online – opinion: Turkey has conducted two separate military exercises with the Republic of Azerbaijan on the one hand and Pakistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the other hand, on limited land and sea scale. The Ankara government pursues specific targets of holding exercises that are geopolitically “purposeful” and “meaningful”, and the recent exercise is one of Turkey’s most important measures since the end of the Second Karabakh War.
Hamid Khoshayand – International affairs analyst

Strategic dimensions of the recent tension in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Strategic dimensions of the recent tension in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An analyst of the Caucasus issues says the recent border tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan took place in line with imposing pressure upon Armenia with the goal of accepting to establish the Zangezur corridor, emphasizing that this corridor is not compatible with any of the present geopolitical and historical realities of the region and cannot be established and these pressures cannot force Armenia to accept it.

The evolution of the crisis in Relations between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia

The evolution of the crisis in Relations between Azerbaijan Republic and Armenia

Strategic Council Online – Despite the passage of months since the end of the 44-day war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which began on September 27, 2020 and ended on November 10 with the signing of a tripartite statement by the presidents of Azerbaijan, Russia and the prime minister of Armenia, border clashes between the two sides continued and intensified in recent months; clashes that have resulted in the deaths of the military on both sides, while the two sides accuse each other of violating the peace agreement.
Hossein Asgarian – Tehran International Studies and Researc Institute (Abrar)

Strengthening Eastward Look in Future Government of Armenia

Strengthening Eastward Look in Future Government of Armenia

Strategic Council Online – Holding early parliamentary elections in Armenia on June 20 and victory of the “Civil Contract” Party led by “Nikol Pashinyan” with 53.92% of the votes can be studied in several ways.
Mehdi Khorsand – Expert on China and Eurasia affairs

Need to Be Vigilant towards Fragile Situation in Caucasus

Need to Be Vigilant towards Fragile Situation in Caucasus

Strategic Council Online – A senior researcher at the Presidential Center for Strategic Studies, referring to the fragile situation in the Caucasus, said that taking advantage of the post-Karabakh ceasefire agreement requires cooperation, integration and negotiations among countries in the region and raising issues such as establishing a military base in that region is not a path to lead to convergence and cooperation in the Caucasus region.


Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

Strategic Council Online—An expert on Caucasus issues said that the Turkish Foreign Minister recently stated in a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart: “Our current strategy is dialogue and peace, and we ask Iran and Russia to play a constructive role in this process.” According to these statements, Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees and its consequences have once again been considered.

Japan’s Goals of Strengthening Its Military Power in East Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Japan said: Strengthening Japan’s military activities is a 25-year plan to show that it is capable of becoming one of the military powers of the region and the world by relying on its military values and capabilities.

An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on European issues said: The British Labor Party, led by Keir Starmer, won the election by winning an overwhelming majority of the seats in the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Conservative party, led by Rishi Sunak, has lost 170 seats and is on the way to its heaviest political defeat since the party was founded in the 19th century.

Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.
