An Analysis of UNGA Resolution for Full Membership of Palestine

2024/05/26 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online - Interview: An expert on international issues said that tearing up the UN Charter by the representative of the Israeli regime in response to the resolution on the full membership of Palestine means that the representative of this regime has admitted the end of what is called the state of Israel.

In an interview with the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations website, Sabah Zangeneh, referring to the wide margin of the General Assembly member states Assembly vote for the resolution recognizing Palestine as a full member of this organization, said: This resolution was passed with a wide margin, and its importance can be seen from the reaction of the representative of the Zionist regime. In other words, tearing the UN Charter means accepting the end of a state by the name of Israel by the representative of this regime.

This international affairs expert continued: The United Nations General Assembly is one of the world body’s pillars and its most important column in legal terms. In cases where the Security Council cannot reach a consensus or an acceptable resolution, the resolution of the General Assembly has a higher degree of validity and can be extended to the Security Council, as this Council will be required to accept this resolution and bypass the veto of some members.

He said: The meaning of the resolution of the General Assembly is that the world, except for the United States and a few microscopic countries, accepts the official formation of the Palestinian government with higher powers and is ready to interact and cooperate with this government. Therefore, a higher possibility is provided for Palestinians to be present in the international space and the United Nations and pursue their issues.

At the same time, Zangeneh noted: In the face of this situation, we will reach a point where it is essential to know who will represent Palestine in the United Nations. Will the Palestinian Authority represent all of Palestine according to the procedure that has been in force till now, or will there be changes in the structure of the Palestinian government? Will there be new elections for the Palestinian National Council? Palestinians can complete this stage with discretion and rationality and a sense of responsibility towards all Palestinians, including Gaza, the West Bank, the Holy Qods, and outside this region among the refugees and immigrants.

This international affairs expert said about America’s view on the issue of Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations: due to the unconditional support of the United States for the Zionist regime, this country has destroyed its status among the people and many governments while it could have prevented the crimes of genocide in Palestine. America must rethink the new situation and save itself from this predicament.

It should be noted that on May 21, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution asking the Security Council to review with a positive opinion the request to establish an independent Palestinian state and recognize Palestine as the 194th member of the United Nations. Among the 193 members of the United Nations, 143 countries voted in favor of this resolution. With the adoption of this resolution, Palestine has been recognized as a country eligible for full membership.

With the approval of this resolution legally, the name of Palestine will be included in the alphabetical list of the names of the countries; Palestinian diplomats have the right to express their opinions, they have the possibility to make suggestions and amendments in public decisions, they can present items to be included in the provisional agenda of regular or extraordinary meetings. In addition, representatives of the delegation of the Palestinian government can be elected as representatives in the General Assembly and the main committees of the General Assembly. Also, full and effective participation in international conferences and meetings under the supervision of the General Assembly is another privilege of full Palestinian membership in the United Nations. However, Palestinians will still not have the right to vote, An item that the UN General Assembly does not have the power to grant and must be supported by the Security Council.

The approval of the General Assembly resolution also shows that Palestine is eligible for membership in the United Nations according to Article 4 of the Charter. While since 1988, 139 countries out of 193 members have recognized the “independent state of Palestine,” this issue was never approved in the Security Council due to the obstructions of the Israeli regime and the United States.



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