Hossein Ajorloo in an interview with the site of Strategic Council on Foreign Relations stated that:” the output of the present status at Shi’ite household as the largest religious tribe inside Iraq has been as such: despite differences of opinion but in the meantime, there are also interacting issues for coordination. That’s why we witness increasing political counselling among these groups”.
He added:” Recent meeting among prominent Shi’ite groups held at Al-Ameri’s house in which Muqtada Al-Sadr was also attending indicates the willingness of different political parties involved to reach a common point”.
According to the expert another invitation to hold a (similar) meeting in Najaf hosted by Muqtada Al-Sadr confirms the effort made by Shi’ite political groups for integration despite the contradicting news circulated about the productivity of the first meeting”.
Having referred to the recent election held in Iraq and its results, Ajorloo said:” Concerning its results, particularly in the Shi’ite household, some groups like Sadr Movement that was somehow the victor of the election, was happy and satisfied with the results but most of prominent political currents like State of Law led by Nouri Al-Maliki, Fath coalition led by Haadi Al-Ameri and groups affiliated to Hashd -ol – Sha’abi are dissatisfied with the results of the election”.
According to the expert the outcome of such a circumstance has been political struggles over the results of the election and even in some cases, it led to street protests. In fact, although the Iraqi Election Commission has announced the final results of the election but the protests against the results still continues”.
Ajorloo stated in the meantime, due to extensive disputes especially the dispute between Sadr Movement as the victor of the election and State of Law led by Nouri Al-Maliki as the second victor of the election, there is no thorough integration among Shi’ite groups. He said:” This is the case while holding meetings like this can minimize the political challenges ahead of Iraq on selecting Prime Minister and prevent the potential security tensions among parties”.
The expert on Iraq continued to say:” Attention must be paid that apart from Shi’ite household, there are also political differences among Kurdish groups and parties as well as Sunni household which has made achieving a far reaching agreement to some extent difficult”.
Having stated that it seems political and security stability in Iraq is something demanded by the majority of Iraqi fractions and parties, he explained:” that’s why the majority of political groups take steps towards this direction to achieve stability”.
On Iran’s role in Iraqi equations, he said:” regional countries, particularly the Islamic Republic of Iran are also looking for stability in Iraq. On the opposite side, some of external powers like the United States of America are looking for removal of some political groups, especially those who are close to the Resistance from Iraqi political scene. Going ahead with such an objective will bring no result but spiraling instability in Iraq”.
The expert explained about the present strategy of Iran and Resistance trend on the Iraqi issue and said:” in such a circumstance, both the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Resistance groups should adopt a smart strategy to support the interaction approaches and intra-Shi’ite as well as intra-Iraqi dialogues and to stand against destabilizing policies and attitudes of the United States of America and her allies in Iraq”.
Ajorloo said the result of whatever agreement among Shi’ite groups will lead to political and security stability in Iraq, if it serves the national interests of the country. Any divergence the result of which is instability as well as security and political tension serve the whims of those players whose interests are in an unstable and insecure Iraq”.
The expert of West Asia affairs referred to the involvement of Shi’ite groups followed by all Iraqi groups in interaction approaches continued to say:” While following up their rights emanated from the election, these currents can contribute the internal integration and can prevent the movements and instigations of destabilizing players in Iraq like the United States and some Arab countries. In line with this, the Islamic Republic of Iran as a country whose stability takes direct effect from the Iraqi stability can assist Iraqi groups to maintain their independence and to reach further integration”.