Lt. General Suleimani, Architect of Regional Security, Stability

2020/01/12 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online: A university professor said that the US criminal assassination of Lt. General Qassem Suleimani was the result of Washington’s desperation against Iran and General Suleimani and his braveries. He added the Americans thought that with assassination of General Suleimani they would be allowed to revive the US-led and managed ISIS.

In an interview with the website of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Seyyed Razi Emadi pointed to the role of martyr Lieutenant-General Qassem Suleimani in securing and stabilizing the region. “The role played by martyr Suleimani in fighting terrorism in the region is not hidden to anyone. Even today, when Americans assassinated him, some figures and groups within the United States, declare that he has played a prominent role in the fight against terrorism.

He added that Yervand Abrahamyan, one of the most prominent scholars on Iran who is also a professor at American universities, said that with the assassination of General Suleimani revival of ISIS in Iraq, especially in the north of the country and in Mosul, would be possible as the conditions would be provided for it. In fact, Mr. Abrahamyan has endorsed Suleimani’s role in the fight against terrorism. There is no doubt among scholars, researchers and academics, even among some American political figures, about the role of General Suleimani in the fight to undermine and destroy ISIS in Iraq.

Referring to the positions and interpretations of some countries against Suleimani after his martyrdom, the regional affairs analyst emphasized: If there is a conflict over the role of Qassem Suleimani in the region, it is not due to facts but because of identity conflicts. If the statesmen give a different account of the realities, it is because their interests dictate and that identity conflict compels them not to speak the truth, because in their view, this may undermine the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region.


General Suleimani’s Role in Maintaining Regional Stability, Security

Emadi said Qassem Suleimani has played a crucial role in maintaining security and stability within the framework of defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries against terrorist groups. When Syria faced crisis and the nationals of 80 countries fought against the Syrian people and ruling establishment as terrorist groups, Suleimani was a supporter of the Syrian government and worked to preserve its territorial integrity and geography. When ISIS occupied one-third of Iraq’s territory he fulfilled his role in defending the nation and the territorial integrity and geography of Iraq. So it should be defined at this level when talking about his stabilizing role.

He said Syria and Iraq should have been broken down in the context of the “Greater Middle East” Plan pursued by countries such as the United States, Saudi Arabia and some European states along with the Zionist regime. In contrast, Qassem Suleimani’s role within the strategy the Islamic Republic of Iran has defined is to protect its territorial and geographical integrity and prevent its disintegration because if they are broken down, the possibility of terrorist groups seizing part of power in these countries is very high.

Referring to the unrests and the rise of terrorists in Libya and Yemen, he said: “This could have happened in Syria and Iraq as well. But Commander Suleimani using Iran’s strategy and with the help of the Resistance groups and forming new groups and uniting them in a single format has been able to fight ISIS in order to preserve the geography of those countries and weaken terrorist groups.

America’s Desperation over Iran’s Role with Qassem Suleimani in the Focus

Emadi emphasized that the US was frustrated by Iran’s role in the region, led by Qassem Suleimani, adding: “They wanted the situation in Syria and Iraq to be different, but the active role played by Iran and the person of Commander Suleimani thwarted this American scheme.

“When Commander Suleimani fought terrorism in the region and successful, it meant strengthening the Resistance,” the Middle East expert added. One American expert said that during the 2011 upheavals, the “axis of resistance” became the “stream of resistance” and ultimately the “alliance of resistance” which has an advocate-proxy model. According to him, in this model Iran is the “advocate” and the “proxy” are proxy groups affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran. This has now become an alliance.

He described the weakening of terrorist groups as weakening the position of actors such as the United States who supported them, adding that, on the other side, the position of the Resistance has been strengthened and has become an alliance of resistance. This was not something the Americans wanted to accept, because the alliance of resistance meant weakening Israel which is not only facing an unprecedented political crisis at home, but also witnessing its vulnerability  due to the same unity of resistance.

Emadi emphasized: “That is why the US government has come to the conclusion that in order to prevent the excessive weakening of Israel, it should eliminate Commander Qassem Suleimani and it did so.”


America Pursues Creation of a Managed ISIS in Iraq

He described the implementation of the Trump impeachment process and all his foreign policy failures as other factors in the US decision to assassinate General Suleimani. To prevent this from happening, the Americans thought that by assassinating Commander Qassem Suleimani they would allow the US-led and managed ISIS to revive.

Emadi emphasized that the US criminal assassination of Suleimani was due to desperation against Iran and the person of Suleimani and his courage and bravery. Commander Suleimani was really a credit for the Resistance.

Referring to opposition within the United States over the assassination of General Suleimani, the university professor cited numerous reasons for this, adding that some of the objections were because Trump had ignored the Congress and he must have made the decision in coordination with the Congress. This is an internal issue but some of the opposition is deeply rooted. They say Trump’s decision will have  consequences for the United States.


US Army’s Security Factor in Middle East

He said that the most important consequence of Trump’s action is that Iran can respond both directly and indirectly within proxy groups. If this is done, given the big number of US troops in various countries in the region, their security will be threatened and the US security factor in the Middle East will be lowered and its position in the region weakened.

Referring to the adoption of a resolution at the Iraqi parliament calling for withdrawal of American troops, Emadi said this can apply to other countries.


US  Image Further Tarnished after Government’s Terrorist Actions

 He said: From the point of view of domestic critics in the US, the assassination of Commander Suleimani, the crime they committed and openly claimed responsibility, would actually further tarnish the image of the United States in the world and portray America as a state that officially commits terrorist acts. For this reason, Trump’s decision was completely irrational, as it is harmful to the United States in every possible way.


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