Netanyahu’s Internal Challenges

2024/04/08 | Note, political, top news

Strategic Council Online - Opinion: The increasing trend of political and security "challenges" in the Zionist regime is one of the "important consequences" of the Gaza war. Hamid Khoshayand - expert on regional issues

Although since the formation of the incumbent cabinet, Netanyahu has faced many internal problems, and we have seen anti-government protests and gatherings against his government every week; with the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm and the continuation of the war in Gaza, the depth and scope of the problems have increased. With the intensification of internal opposition and protests, Netanyahu faces “dangerous challenges,” especially in the political and security fields.

The performance of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime in dealing with Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, the “failure” in achieving the goals of the Gaza war, and Netanyahu’s strange insistence on continuing the war in which there is no prospect of victory, has also “shaken” his political position among his extremist allies, to the extent that he now feels the terrible shadow of “Falling” on his head more than ever.

There are many differences between Netanyahu and other ministers on various war-related issues, ranging from prisoner exchanges to ceasefires. His strong and repeated disagreements with the Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, the political insubordination of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Benny Gantz, the confrontation with the hard-line ministers over the draft law exempting ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service in the Knesset, and the conflicts within the cabinet that led to the resignation of Gideon Saar, the head of the New Hope Party and defense minister, are among the important differences that have deepened the rift within Netanyahu’s government; This issue can have a serious effect on the process of resignation of other ministers and accelerating the collapse of the government.

Parallel to the internal differences of the cabinet, only a part of which has leaked out, the families of prisoners, opponents of the war, and residents of the Occupied Territories voiced their protests by holding (on March 31) the biggest demonstration in Jerusalem against Netanyahu since the beginning of the war in Gaza. Considering Netanyahu’s political and military record and financial corruption, the protestors demanded an immediate ceasefire, the release of prisoners, Netanyahu’s resignation, and the holding of early elections.

The opposition to Netanyahu is so strong that “Yair Lapid,” the former prime minister of the Zionist regime and the head of the opposition parties in the current government, stated in a speech addressed to Netanyahu: “The battle with Hamas, the negotiation on the exchange of prisoners, the northern front, and the situation of the cabinet are paralyzed and defeated due to your mismanagement.”

Since the creation of the Zionist regime, no head of government has been so involved in internal challenges, even from his allies, as much as Netanyahu. He is the only prime minister of the Zionist regime who is currently facing one of the most serious “threats” to maintain his coalition. Meanwhile, challenges from the Zionist community have also put him in a “dangerous” situation.

His insistence on “complete victory” over Hamas, regardless of the consequences and costs of the war, has thrown significant challenges in front of the usurper regime, made the internal crises of the Zionist regime out of control, and created more existential gaps in the society.

Many inside Israel, both opponents and allies of Netanyahu, keep repeating that he is playing a “dangerous game” and is using the war to serve his “political goals.” His mismanagement has made even the Zionists who supported the elimination of Hamas exhausted. They now demand an end to the war and acceptance of a ceasefire.

Netanyahu’s performance in the Gaza war and his mismanagement in dealing with its implications is such that according to a political survey conducted at the end of  December last year, only 15% of Zionists wanted Netanyahu to stay in power after the end of the war!

Today, a major part of Netanyahu’s decisions and actions inside and outside the Occupied Territories, including targeting Islamic Resistance commanders in Lebanon and Syria, as well as terrorist attacks against Iranian advisors and attacks on diplomatic places, are centered on “political survival” and not the interests of the regime.

In other words, he resorted to an “old trick” he has often used when facing a crisis.

To get out of internal crises, divert public opinion from the main problems, and strengthen his popular and political base, Netanyahu intensified provocative actions and policies against the Resistance in the occupied lands and the region, and these actions have also increased the existential threats of the Zionist regime.

Netanyahu’s performance in the Gaza war, which has caused more than 100 billion dollars in damage to the Zionist regime and destroyed its economy and its deterrence, has seriously threatened his survival in power and his political future. Whatever outcome the Gaza war leads to, its end will definitely be accompanied by the “political demise” of Netanyahu.



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