Suspension of aid to UNRWA, gross violation of international laws and UN regulations

2024/02/26 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on regional issues said that sanctioning UNRWA and suspending financial aid to this aid organization in Palestine and Gaza is a retaliatory action by the United States and its allies against the provisional vote of the Hague Tribunal, which strongly condemned the Israeli regime and its supporters and put them against global public opinion and human rights laws.

Hasan Hanizadeh, in an interview with the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, referred to the alleged accusations of the Zionist regime in the context of the cooperation of 12 UNRWA employees with Hamas in the attack on occupied Palestine on the 7th of October and the alignment of some countries, including the United States, France, the UK, Germany, Japan and… with this claim and suspending their financial aid to this aid organization that operates in Gaza. He said that UNRWA is a subsidiary of the United Nations and suspending financial aid to this organization is a hasty action.

He said that the Zionist regime, with the political, military, and international support of the United States, has committed all kinds of violent actions to suppress the people of Gaza in the past four months. Most importantly, they committed genocide in Gaza, and this issue has been proven to the world today.

Hanizadeh said that the Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established in December 1949 by the United Nations, which is a relief and humanitarian aid agency to support millions of registered Palestinian refugees.

He added that UNRWA has been operating in this region for more than 50 years and is an aid organization. Still, it has been sanctioned by the United States in a rare action contrary to international laws and human rights. The bombing of airplanes and the recent attacks of the Israeli regime have killed so far 150 staffers of this international entity, and this is a war crime and a violation of international rules because the employees of this organization enjoy political immunity. The United Nations should have taken a stance against these actions, but unfortunately, it did not take appropriate action.

He continued that the US did not react to the killing of the employees of this organization by the Israeli regime. Still, in response to this regime’s claim, it took an inhumane action in suspending financial aid.

Hanizadeh attributed the suspension of financial aid to UNRWA to the political pressures of the United States, the UK, and France and added that “in the past four months, the United States has taken many actions and pressures to support the world with the Israeli regime, and this action was definitely done under the pressure and orders of the United States.” The United States has shown that it wants the existence of the United Nations in all dimensions at the disposal of its policies and interests.

In response to the question, can this action of the United States and its allies in sanctioning UNRWA be evaluated under the influence of Israel’s defeat in the Hague Court and the issuance of a temporary ruling? he said: What the US and other countries did by sanctioning UNRWA is because of their defeats against Hamas and resistance forces in the past four months. They are trying to force the people of Gaza to surrender, and cutting off aid is one of the ways they are trying to discourage the people from continuing to stand up and support Hamas.

This expert on Palestinian issues emphasized that the UN Security Council should condemn the action of the US and the Israeli regime for cutting financial aid to UNRWA and issue a resolution on this action.

Now, the Israeli regime is stuck in the Gaza swamp, as the US is both guilty and victim in this conflict. In fact, the US is trying to change the rules of the conflict in favor of the Israeli regime and uses any means to make it happen. Stopping humanitarian aid while Gaza is under siege is actually a form of pressure on the people of Gaza, not necessarily on Hamas and the resistance forces. UNRWA’s sanction has paralyzed the limited aid delivery inside Gaza. In addition to the killing of people and numerous and continuous bombings, this action is a flagrant violation of international laws and UN regulations.

He pointed out that such an action of the United States and other countries that support the Israeli regime is in retaliation for the judgment of the Hague Tribunal, which severely put this regime and its supporters against international public opinion and human rights laws. International organizations, Arab countries, and other countries and institutions supporting Palestine and stopping the war in Gaza should adopt other options to compensate for the cut in financial aid so that financial aid to UNRWA is resumed or that aid reaches Gaza as quickly as possible. In any case, it is unlikely that the United States will allow aid to UNRWA to resume under the pretext and false claim of the Zionist regime against this organization as long as the counterattacks of Hamas and the Israeli regime continue.



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