Vague Perspective of Holding Libyan Parliamentary Election

2022/05/08 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert of the African issues elaborated the reasons of postponement of Libyan parliamentary election of December 24, 2021 and said:” in this connection, two main reasons could be mentioned; first, the lack of necessary preparations to hold the election and second, lack of enough effort to hold the election by those who were responsible, particularly, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh himself, the then Prime Minister, and as the person in charge of holding election.

Jafar Ghannad Baashi in an interview with the site of Strategic Council on Foreign Relations explained in this respect:” necessary preparations were not provided by any means at that junction. In fact, and in addition to numerous regulatory and legal vacuums that existed to hold the election, non-existence of political factions and parties in Libya caused numerous problems and difficulties in nomination of suitable candidates”.

He continued to say about the effect of performance of those responsible for holding the election:” Mr. Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, Prime Minister of the National Accord government as the responsible person to hold the election, did not show necessary effort to hold election, in such a way that a number of members of Libyan House of Representatives stationed in Tabragh city believed that Mr. Dbeibeh himself opposed to hold the election. They also said that according to Dbeibeh, he made effort to postpone the election for a couple of years”.

According to the expert of the African issues, that was the reason why Libyan House of Representatives stressed not only on the resignation of Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh but also assigned another person called Fathi Bashagha as the new Prime Minister. After the measure taken by the Libyan House of Representative, the country witnessed again two governments and two prime ministers.

Having referred that as of February 10, 2022 Mr. Bashagha was appointed as the Prime Minister Designate, Ghannad Baashi stressed:” he was tasked by the House of Representatives of the country to assume the mission to hold the election within about a year. i.e. no later than the end of 2022”.

Having stated that Mr. Dbeibeh and political factions stationed in Tripoli, the Libyan Capital, refused to admit the decision made by the Parliament to change the Prime Minister, the expert continued:” that was the point when the political dispute started to gradually divert to become a military dispute, in a way that the United Nations and some Western countries have interpreted the development that within recent few weeks the situation in Libya was heading towards an extensive and broad chaos with the existence of two governments and severe disputes among them, and thus they made efforts to table new proposals to put an end to the dispute. Among the proposals was the setting up of the third government led by the Chairman of the Libyan Supreme Council”.

Ghannad Baashi emphasized:” Based on the UN as well as some Western countries’ proposal, their proposed government should dissolve all existing political foundations of the country and as the sole political and decisive foundation take steps to hold election that would lead to nomination of new president as well as the new parliament”.

The expert on Libyan issues believes that, in fact, the proposal would mean none of the existing foundations of Libya such as the House of Representatives of Tabragh, Chairman Council, National Accord government headed by Dbeibeh and the government designated by the House of Representatives, i.e. the government of Fathi Bashagha has no legal legitimacy, because the term of the legal responsibility of all these foundations has expired, and from this point of view, they are not allowed to take any measure.

Ghannaad Baashi also commented on the role of external factors on Libyan developments and said:” foreign powers and neighboring countries of Libya make effort in different ways to infiltrate in any of the aforementioned foundations and thus to materialize their objectives in Libya and to obtain a greater share of oil reservoirs of the country as well as its strategic situation through election”.

The expert of the African issues commented on the reasons why Libya has been suffering the situation and having been disposed at such a very serious and dangerous chaos twelve years after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi and said:” the situation is originated from two main issues; first, lack of legitimate legal foundations, and the vacuum of social and political foundations that have been totally destroyed in 6.5 million population society of Libya because of 40 years long Gaddafi dictatorship and afterwards because of extensive unrests. Another reason is tight competition among regional and international powers over Libyan oil resources that have been coupled with ideological disputes between secularism and religion; According to the famous saying has turned Libya to a ring for flexing muscles between capitalist powers from one side, and secular as well religious groups from the other side”.

He stressed that the two issues are behind the scene of all present personal, political and publicity disputes of Libya. From experts’ point of view, the said disputes will be sorted out or lessened only when the capitalist powers reach a compromise on the sharing of Libyan oil reserves or the secularism current relied on foreign countries come to compromise with religious currents relied on the regional countries.

Having stated that at present what is a matter of concern to all existing parties in Libya as well as influential circles of powers in the country is the probable turning of political disputes to military ones, Ghannad Baashi added:” in the other word, the present political disputes culminated about three years ago when military clashes came to an end with a fragile ceasefire. Particularly, within the recent days, serious and extensive clashes have been brought about between the two governments over Tripoli. It is an issue which partly depends on the modality of presence of Turkish military forces in the West of the country and another part relates to the clandestine presence of Egyptian military forces in the East of Libya”.

The expert of the African issues ultimately emphasized:” it seems that under such a situation, the Western countries will be involved in a way to prevent the clashes that may disturb the trend of Libyan oil export and enforce more serious decisions to put an end to the political dispute, especially under conditions when the West need much more Libyan oil because of energy crisis emanated from war in Ukraine”.


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