Strategic outcomes and messages of Martyrdom operations in occupied Palestinian territories

2022/04/12 | Note, political, top news

Strategic Council Online: Opinion: The Zionist regime is experiencing the most difficult moments of its life. A number of Palestinians residing in the West Bank, only within the span on 19 March to 7 Aril 2022 conducted four martyrdom operations against the Zionists. Despite severe media blackout by the Zionist regime about the casualties and even the number of martyrdom operations, in total, more than 13 Zionists have been killed and tens of others injured. Barsam Mohammadi, Expert of regional issues


Regarding the messages of these four similar operations, it is important to note the following:

First point: These four martyrdom  operations took place on the eve of the anniversary of the Zionist regime invasion of Gaza which is known among the Palestinians as “Earth Day”. Earth Day is a milestone in the history of the Palestinian struggle, which is celebrated every year on March 30 with a nationwide demonstration and strike called the “Return Demonstration.”

On March 30, 1976, the Zionist regime occupied 21,000 square kilometers of Palestinian territory in the Al-Jalil area of ​​northern Palestine and handed it over to immigrants, which led to the Palestinian uprising.

The martyrdom operation at the same time as “Earth Day”, which is a symbol of the resistance of the Palestinian people, shows that the “spirit of protest” against the occupation and confiscation of Palestinian lands and the “spirit of revenge” against Zionist criminals are still alive and have not subsided. Rather, it has taken on new dimensions. “The current situation in Tel Aviv is so turbulent that it is reminiscent of the second intifada in the early to mid-2000s,” the Israel Times wrote in describing the fourth  martyrdom operation.

Second point: The series of martyrdom operations of the Palestinian youth living in the West Bank in the midst of the Naqab meeting is in fact a strong reaction to the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Zionist regime, the United States, the UAE, Egypt, Jordan and Morocco.

On the sidelines of the Naqab Summit in occupied southern Palestine, the Zionist regime’s cabinet approved a plan to build five new settlements for Jews in the Naqab Desert. Judaization and changing the proportions and texture of the Naqab population, most of whom are “Muslim Arabs with Israeli citizenship” is the main goal of expanding settlements in the region.

The fact that the Zionist settlements have been purposefully chosen as one of the targets of the recent martyrdom operations by the Palestinian youth sends a clear message to the Zionist regime that it is not only missiles and mortars that make the Zionist areas and settlements insecure; Individual actions on the streets can also make settlements insecure and costly to maintain.

Third point: “Raad Fathi Hazem”, a 28-year-old man who killed two Zionists and wounded 15 in the last operation, was a resident of the Jenin refugee camp who has been under the strictest security and military measures by the Zionist regime for many years.

It is interesting that the security experts of the Zionist regime have also described the successive martyrdom  operations as a great security failure for this regime, because it was carried out at the height of the Zionist military readiness in all cities!

When a young Palestinian can get out of such a difficult siege and carry out martyrdom operations in the depths of Tel Aviv, would it signal anything other than the weakening and vulnerability of the structure of the “intelligence and security order and system” of the Zionist regime, especially Shabak and that it has lost control on occupied territories?!


Regarding the outcomes of recent operations, the following are also important:

One: When the recent operation is carried out by a few young people in the West Bank and individually, it subconsciously brings to mind the fact that the security situation in the occupied territories has become quite vulnerable.

In this context, the first consequence that can be considered for the recent series of martyrdom operations in the depths of the occupied territories is that the Palestinians of the 1948 occupied territories can play a “major role” in security tensions, and such a situation could have very negative consequences for the Zionists in the Palestinian territories, including the West Bank, Gaza and Quds, even under the circumstances that the Zionist regime thought it was able to curb the wave of individual martyrdom  operations in the occupied territories.

Second: The said operation, especially when the Zionist regime is facing unsettled internal political situations, somehow widens the political divide and also widens the divergence between public opinion and the occupying government, which can lead to the spread of anti-government demonstrations and the deterioration of the situation inside the occupied territories.

Three: Following the martyrdom operations, Naftali Bennett and his shaky cabinet have faced strong protests and criticism. Bennett may invade the West Bank and launch a new round of attacks against the Palestinians to reduce criticism and divert public opinion from the volatile security, political and economic situation. Doing such moves not only does not help Bennett get out of the current situation, rather it gradually adds to the depth and difficulty of the “existing security and political crises in the occupied territories” and puts the Zionist regime in a much more difficult situation. At the same time, it intensifies the attacks from the heart of the 1948 occupied territories, which have become a “time bomb”.

Concluding point:

In March alone, from early March to early April, 16 martyrdom  operations took place in the occupied territories, which is a historical record in this regard. These operations highlight the vulnerabilities of the Zionist regime and put the Naftali Bennett cabinet, which has been facing various problems since its formation, in a difficult position.

The series of Palestinian martyrdom-seeking Mujahideen operations in the depths of the occupied territories promises to create new security concerns in the occupied territories, which may be accompanied by a “new intifada” starting in the West Bank and spreading to other cities and occupied territories.


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