Afghanistan Crisis and European Positions

2021/09/05 | Note, political, top news

Strategic Council Online - Note: The NATO-led invasion of Afghanistan, which began after 9/11 incident under the pretext of “war on terrorism”, two decades after the mission, the Taliban’s rapid advance has prompted various countries, including NATO members, to rush to withdraw their diplomatic delegations, staff and citizens from the territory of that country. Western troops stationed in Afghanistan have trained the Afghan army for years, but the training has not been enough, and the reason why the Afghan army has failed to defend the capital against the Taliban remains unclear. The head of the Council of Europe does not see the situation in Afghanistan as a successful narrative for the international community and is considering how the EU can use its influence in international relations to defend its interests. Mahmoud Fazeli – analyst of international affairs

In recent years, the European Union has sponsored some of Afghanistan’s social and economic projects and, as the world’s largest foreign donor, has donated more than 4 billion euros to Afghanistan since 2002, following the US invasion. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell predicts that in the light of developments in Afghanistan Central Asia will be turned into a more important and strategic region for the EU, and that Central Asian countries should focus on diplomatic contact with the EU.

He believes that developments in Afghanistan show that Europe needs to develop its military capabilities independent of the United States. The European Union must organize itself to face the world as it is, not as it dreams. To equip the European Union with 50,000 troops to deal with crises similar to the Afghan crisis is among his proposals. He practically complains that Europe only acts at times of crisis, and that is why it is time for the Union to be equipped with military force in order to be able to fight if necessary.

Evidence shows that the EU is looking for a framework to give its 27 members more diplomatic and military power and to further develop what French President Macron calls “strategic autonomy”. From Borrell’s point of view, that strategic autonomy must include formation of a joint reactive force capable of deployment and deployment. He predicts that Iraq and the African coast will be the centers of future crises.

France, which pursues the target of fighting terrorism, intends to launch a European initiative aimed at “premature action and protection of the continent against large waves of illegal immigrants who promote any form of trafficking”. Paris believes that Afghanistan should not again become a “safe haven for terrorism”. France’s measures are an active fight against terrorism in all its forms. Paris supports and endorses military intervention in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014.

Paris concludes that military intervention does not seek to replace sovereignty over the people and impose foreign democracy, rather to defend international stability and security. France has no plans to recognize the Taliban and expects the Taliban to live up to their promises to form a government that is “inclusive and respectful of the rights and freedoms of all strata of Afghan society”. This has been a fundamental principle of France’s foreign policy, which has been pursued in Afghanistan. Every year, France accepts thousands of Afghans fleeing persecution and war and continues this policy. According to a poll in France, 54% of the people agree with the acceptance of Afghan refugees and 91% of the far right faction disagree with the acceptance of Afghan refugees.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claimed on the sidelines of a G7 virtual meeting that the main condition of the G7 agreement was that the Taliban militants, even after the August 31 deadline, should allow Afghans wishing to leave the country cross the border safely. Give. Although Britain has repeatedly insisted on withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan, criticism from critics of the weak prediction of the Taliban’s rapid victory and withdrawal has increased. Johnson claims Britain is not turning its back on Afghanistan.

Acknowledging the failure of Western policy in exporting its values ​​to Afghanistan and the inability to withdraw all local allies of the military and other German institutions from the country, Merkel in the German parliament considers those costly and full of casualties twenty years accompanied by important achievements and acknowledges that Germany and its allies, including the United States, have undermined the Taliban’s dominance over Afghanistan. However, Germany does not take a separate path, and its mission ends with the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan. Merkel has called for talks with the Taliban Islamists for some time after the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan, and hopes the Afghan people will resist the Taliban’s repression and human rights abuses.

The German Federal Parliament held a meeting in the presence of the Chancellor and ministers of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Defense and a group of military representatives to review developments in Afghanistan, which was one of the tense sessions of the Parliament. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who is still criticized for Germany’s policies in Afghanistan and some opposition parties are calling for his resignation, has admitted that with regard to the Taliban’s rapid advance inaccurate assessment has been made.

Merkel’s coalition government for failing to predict the fall of Kabul by the Taliban and ignoring early warnings about the evacuation of thousands of local Afghan workers and their families, as well as human rights activists and politicians with close ties with the Berlin government, is highly criticized. The parliamentary opposition accuses the government of failure and lack of planning. Germany plans to accept 5,000 local Afghan troops, including politicians, teachers, doctors and human rights activists.

Italy is one of the EU member countries that took part in the war in Afghanistan and over the past 20 years has lost 54 soldiers and 700 more wounded. Italy believes that the balance it has achieved is not just an assessment of the war in Afghanistan, but of the past 20 years and the role that the West has played throughout the world. Italy’s future vision for Afghanistan consists of defending fundamental rights, defending women’s rights, and supporting all those who have fallen victim to those rights in Afghanistan.

Greece, which has so far granted asylum to 40,000 Afghans and does not want to accept more migrants from Afghanistan, is trying not to become a “gateway for waves of irregular migration to Europe”. As the host of 5 million refugees, Turkey believes that Europe has an important role to play in resolving the issue of Afghan illegal immigration, and that this issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible before it becomes a crisis. The EU’s refusal to meet Turkey’s expectations of updating the terms of the March 18 agreement (payment of 6 billion euros to Turkey for the presence of Syrian refugees in that country) has a negative impact on the ability to cooperate on migration. Erdogan has always used asylum seekers as leverage in negotiations with the European Union, and complained Western countries that Turkey can no longer bear the burden of asylum seekers.

The European Union has faced a flood of migrants in recent years, making it Europe’s biggest security challenge. According to statistics published in the European Union, since 2015, about 570 thousand Afghan citizens have applied for asylum in European countries. Given the Taliban’s dominance over Afghanistan, an increase in those demands is not unexpected, and this will pose security and social challenges for Europe. This has led some European countries to revise their asylum and immigration laws. The European Union is seeking to increase trade volume with the Central Asian countries, and Afghanistan’s geographical location could play an important role in Europe’s new policy towards Central Asia.


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