Iran and the US isolation in the General Assembly of the United Nations

2020/09/29 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online-Interview: The United States is totally alone and isolated in its campaign against Iran, an expert of international relations said adding that “Iran, instead of engaging in direct confrontation with the US, incited in practice the global community against the US and so far, the US has been the loser of this confrontation.”

Seyyed Reza Mirtaher said dignitaries and heads of state in the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York opposed the American request and claim on re-instating former UN resolutions and sanctions against Iran while defending the nuclear deal.

“UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and many other heads of state and government in their statements to the ongoing General Assembly supported the implementation of the JCPOA while rejecting the US claim that UN sanctions should be re-enforced against Iran.”

Referring to some parts of the speeches of governments in the UN, Mirtaher said French President Emanuel Macron openly called for the full implementation of the JCPOA while opposing the US attempt to reimpose international sanctions against Iran within the framework of the so-called snapback mechanism.

“Turkish President Erdogan strongly defended the JCPOA and branded it an important agreement in line with protecting regional and international peace and security,” Mirtaher said, pointing to similar statements by other heads of government and state in the General Assembly in support of the nuclear deal.

Mirtaher added that the US president called JCPOA a “terrible” agreement and claimed American withdrawal had made West Asia more peaceful.

Referring to the remarks of President Rouhani in this year’s General Assembly, he said the US is now experiencing maximum isolation.

“The US claims that UN sanctions are re-imposed as of 20 September on Iran. Americans have even threatened the United Nations and its member states to force them to enforce international sanctions against Iran in clear violation of international law,” he said, adding that none of the UN members accepted the US reasoning particularly in the Security Council except for some of US clients in the region and a tiny island in the Caribbean.


US isolated in maximum pressure campaign against Iran

Mirtaher said Americans have become isolated and have no choice but to resort to unilateral  and illegal coercive economic measures against Iran.

“If we judge impartially, we conclude that the US has become isolated in its maximum pressure campaign against Iran and its anti-Iran policy. Therefore, the US has no alternative but to apply the policy of force and coercion through economic sanctions while openly threatening other countries with sanctions to comply with Washington’s illegal anti-Iran measures.”

He said the US government as the world’s biggest economy is exploiting dollar in international financial and monetary system in favor of advancing its foreign policy objectives, adding that Trump is resorting to economic pressure and sanctions to compel other countries to address his illegal demand of sanctioning Iran against international rules and UNSCR 2231.

Mirtaher said the JCPOA is a great accomplishment particularly in the view of Europeans and a success in maintaining regional and international peace and security.

“More importantly, due to Iran’s compliance with the deal, the Westerners have no excuse to support the US claims and therefore cannot neglect the JCPOA.”


The US is the main loser in JCPOA confrontation with Iran

Mirtaher referred to the misguided US claim on triggering the snapback and re-enforcing international sanctions against Iran, and said Americans were seeking to isolate Iran and make it apart from  the global community however they failed to do so.

“Americans wanted to encourage Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal so that they could form a united global front against Iran. However, Iran saw through their deception and took wise measures. Instead of going into direct confrontation with the US, Iran convinced the international community to stand against the US unilateralism and law breaking. And now we see how the world is resisting unlawful US demands in reinstating UN resolutions. So far, the US is the loser of this diplomatic confrontation.”


The US has created unprecedented tension in the Security Council

Mirtaher said tension is going to heighten in the Security Council between the US and other members on Iran sanctions, referring to the warning given by American analysts that the US has created unnecessary crisis which will be to the benefit of no country and even the US itself.

“When the US questions the competence of the Security Council over an unquestionable issue, this in future will impede cooperation in the council especially on matters related to the US.”

He said the US government has been imposing various sanctions during the past two and a half years on Iran under the maximum pressure campaign, adding no further sanctions can inflict more serious harm on Iran.

“Any international sanctions against Iran enforced by the US shall have symbolic impact and cannot cause any serious harm,” he said, adding that Americans are seeking to extend Iranian arms embargo beyond 18 October when international sanctions on arms sales to/from Iran will be lifted.

“We need to wait and see to what extent other countries and companies are prepared to resist US secondary sanctions and whether or not this will happen in practice.”

Asked about the future of such American measures, Mirtaher said: “Russia is the main supplier and seller of arms in the world after the United States and has rejected US sanctions after 18 October. Therefore, if Iran decides to buy arms after 18 October, Russia will be welcoming and cooperating. A similar situation may occur with other suppliers of arms in the world”.

“At least in theory and given the positions declared by other countries and international institutions, they have not admitted US claims and justifications. However, opposition to illegal US demands, in practice, depends on the capability and capacity of other countries and international institutions to resist US pressures. The stronger and more independent they are, the more they can ignore US threats and punishment.”


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