Increasing Attention to the Far-East in the U.S. Military Budget

Strategic Council Online – Interview: Having said that the U.S. 2022 budget indicates the importance of the Far-East, particularly China in the U.S. politicians, defensive and security society points of view, the Scientific Deputy of Shahid Sadr Research Institute of the Expediency Council said:” the U.S. attitude on China will gradually attain larger military aspect in comparison with the past. The U.S. is entering into military phase vis-à-vis China.

Having said that budgeting in the U.S., particularly in defensive affairs, is one of the structural issues of defensive and security forces of the country, Dr. Mehrdad Halalkhor in an interview with the site of Strategic Council on Foreign Relations noted that:” there is a well-accepted principle throughout the world especially in the U.S. that military power is the essential base of power. Based on this, the attitude of defensive budgeting is defined by professional experts of the Departments, and defensive – security organizations. In fact, the President himself and his team can’t meddle too much in this respect”.

Boosting Investment in Research & Development Section

He added:” in view of the growing conception that Russia and China are approaching the U.S. from the development of military technologies point of view, it has been several years since the U.S. is making a huge investment in R & D section of Department of Defense. R & D budget of the Department of Defense alone equals to almost 40% of the total budget of R & D for all relevant organizations affiliated to the Administration that exist in the U.S. In 2022 budget, about $ 68 billion was allocated to this end to keep its distance with its global competitors”.

Halalkhor continued:” for 2022 budget, Biden asked the U.S. Senate a certain amount for macro scale projects as well as defensive issues, but the U.S. Congress, as the relevant body to write and allocate the budget reefs, allocated $ 25 billion more than the amount Biden asked for”.

The university professor stated that the U.S. general orientation is towards smartification, miniaturization and employing new technologies in the armed forces. He considered the boost in R & D budget in line with these objectives and said:” therefore, no wonder that the military budget of Democrat Biden has become more than that of Republican Trump”.

Considerable Budget of the U.S. “Deterrence Plan” against China     

He spelled out:” in 2022 budget, Biden has allocated as much as $ 7.1 billion to confront China under the title of “Deterrence Plan in the Pacific Ocean”. To allocate such a budget, they argued that we want to create deterrence and thus prevent China’s encroachments upon our neighborhood peripheral, and in this connection, they have bolded Taiwan particularly. This budget will be spent for military installations and or stockpiling of arms within the vicinity where China intends to strengthen its military presence there”.

U.S. Enters into Military Phase against China

Halalkhor explained:” the U.S. has defined an area surrounding China where it intends to set up military base and a considerable budget has been allocated to this end. Last year, the budget allocated to this end was not as big as for this year. This shows that the U.S. approach on China has gradually and in comparison with the past, is assuming larger military aspect. They not only intend to create restriction and downgrade the economic status of China but also they are entering into the military phase. However, to react the U.S. approach, China has recently tested hypersonic missiles equipped with very hi-tech”.

the Scientific Deputy of Shahid Sadr Research Institute of the Expediency Council stated that Biden has not adopted such a military approach towards Russia. He continued:” despite all tensions, having replied to the question whether he would dispatch military force to Ukraine, Biden replied No. We will accord only our diplomatic support to Ukraine and allocated $ 300 million for security aids to Ukraine government which will be spent mostly on infrastructural measures and they will not have further military presence there”.

Having emphasized that China has gained greater importance than Russia for the U.S. politicians as well as defensive – security authorities, he stated:” the U.S. R & D budget boost is to confront Russia and China at global level. They had an extra 8.9% increase than their 2021 budget for cyber issues that shows the effects of cyber advancement were more in their budgeting. However, the advancement contributes NATO too”.

The university professor also said:” the whole budget allocated to defend Europe and activity in NATO is an amount of $ 4.2 billion that shows they are not very much interested in using military equipment in this respect and to expand their military presence therein”.

Decision to Have a Minimum Presence in the Middle East                 

Halalkhor pointed out to the U.S. approach on allocation of budget in the Middle East and explained:” the budget approved for their activity in the Middle East indicates their decision to have a minimum presence and or minimum expenses in the region, however, their presence will not be wiped out. The only differentiating point from the last year budget is a $ 177 million aid to Syrian Kurds. Trump was not in favor of helping Kurds and now the budget is spent within the framework of the budget to fight against ISIS and for their military presence in Al-Tanf Base in Syria accorded to Kurds, to have limited military presence in Syria and to protect Kurds too”.

The member of scientific board of university said:” regarding the budget, it seems that the U.S. does not conceive any particular quarrel for itself in the Middle East in the current year, and has proceeded with calming policy”.

To conclude, he noted:” economic progresses of China was more important for the U.S. within the last decade, that’s why we witnessed positions taken mostly by the U.S. economists, but now the U.S. defensive – security society pays attention to military issues of China that shows their serious concern about China”.


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