Dimensions, Objectives & Consequences of Ansarallah Operations in UAE

Strategic Council Online – Opinion Saudi-led coalition made an overall attack to Yemen in April 2015 aiming at occupying Yemen and annexing it to Saudi Arabia; but the operation which was supposed to achieve its objectives in less than a month, has lasted nearly seven years and has turned to be a quagmire for invaders. As the recent missile and drone attacks of Ansarallah in UAE, has dragged Yemeni war into a new round of balancing. Today, not only Saudi Arabia but also UAE has become among the targets of Ansarallah operations. Hamid Khoshayand, Expert on regional issues

Details of Special Operation Hurricane Yemen in UAE

There never happened that United Arab Emirates faces missile and drone attacks at such an extensive level deep inside its territory since UAE was founded in 1971. According to available information, Ansarallah targeted UAE in an exclusive combined operation called Operation hurricane Yemen with twenty offensive drones and five ballistic missiles. Two airports of Dubai and Abu Dhabi that enjoy having the most sophisticated air defensive missile systems and the Al-Musaffah industrial area, located in South West of Abu Dhabi and a number of important and sensitive installations of UAE were targeted within the framework of the operation.

The Al-Musaffah industrial area where the Zionists are investing in, is considered to be the most essential industrial area in UAE, and home to head office of big U.S. and European technical, engineering and industrial corporations. The area is also the stationing place for main hi-tech companies and industries, especially Artificial Intelligence as well as major auto-making companies like Audi, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, VW and BMW.

Reasons Why Ansarallah Targeted UAE            

Missile and drone attack of Ansarallah to UAE was predictable since long time ago. Prior to this, Ansarallah top officials and National Salvation Government had already warned UAE that in case the military activities of Abu Dhabi in Yemen boost, the country will be faced a tough reaction.

Therefore, it is crystal clear that Ansarallah special operation in UAE is a normal reaction to rising trend of military and field interventions of UAE in Yemen which contrary to its previous claims on dismissing war in Yemen, has gained a meaningful rise.

It was early 2019 when Abu Dhabi announced that it intended to exit from Saudi-led coalition and wrapping up its military presence in Yemen. Until February 2020 when Mohammad Bin Zayed, ruler of Emirates announced the completion of military exit process from Yemen in an official military ceremony in Zayed Military Base.

Despite UAE had already announced that it had wrapped up its military presence in Saudi-led coalition, but the realities on the ground in Yemen field showed otherwise. Contrary to what UAE had announced, it has continued to take hostile measures against Ansarallah. The reliable news recently published indicate that a clandestine deal was made between Saudi Arabia and UAE based on which Riyadh would hand over all Southern provinces of Yemen such as Shabwa to the UAE against employing all of its military potentials in Yemen as in the past!

During the past several months and coincided with the expansion of military field victories of Ansarallah in Mar’areb, UAE has opened two new fronts in Ta’ez and Shabwe provinces by Ginats (Al-Emalegheh) Battalions in order to hamper the liberation operation process of Ma’Areb!

UAE has now military and field presence in Yemeni war in three ways:

First; through occupation of South West regions of Yemen; Yemen is now divided in three parts: National Salvation Government in Sana, which comprises the Northern parts of Yemen, self-proclaimed government of Mansour Haadi, stationed in Ma’areb that contains mostly Eastern and desert regions, and Southern Transitional Council, ended with Bab-al-Mandab Strait which is stationed in Southern Yemen and is occupied by Emirati affiliated mercenaries.

Second; financial, logistical and etc. support to 90000 fighters throughout Yemen that act in line with Saudi Arabia and UAE interests.

Third; occupation of several key and important islands such as Socotra Island and Mayyun Island located in Bab-al-Mandab.

Strategic Consequences

Ansarallah operations in different economic, security and political fields have important strategic consequences:

Landing of suicide Yemeni missiles and drones in the most important economic area of UAE, i.e. Al-Mussafah industrial area was a serious warning to Abu Dhabi that economic survival of the Micronesia country is facing with essential threats. This can cause flight of capital and technology as well as cessation of foreign investment in UAE, especially in situations when UAE has paid a high price to turn into important economic, industrial, trade and tourism pole in Arab world and littoral of the Persian Gulf.

It has been years since UAE has tried to become the center for energy transit in the region. UAE concentration on Eden Gulf and efforts to link it to Dubai is made mainly in line with this objective. UAE is seeking to create a corridor for energy transit through linking Dubai to Eden Port or Bab-al-Mandab Strait and through it to Aqaba Gulf in Southern occupied Palestine in order to supply the energy needed by the Zionist regime and in the meantime dominate Bab-al-Mandab Strait where 40% of the world energy is forwarded. Strategic operation launched by Ansarallah deep inside UAE territory, was a cross off line to the UAE mega project in the region.

UAE is a country that has no strategic depth and has a lot of security vacuums. Normalization of relations with the Zionist regime has been one of the main reasons for UAE to compensate its security vulnerability. There is an unwritten agreement between Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv that UAE supplies energy requirements of the Zionist regime against taking security guarantees from the regime. Ansarallah operations in UAE showed that approaching the Zionist regime in any form can not provide security for UAE. Therefore, applicability of Abraham Agreement was completely questioned for UAE as the main part of it.

Finally, Ansarallah operation in UAE will change security equations of the region and when littoral states of the Persian Gulf are investing on the Zionist regime aiming at buying security and meeting their security requirements will be fruitless.


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