France’s miscalculation to confront the resistance force in Gaza

Strategic Council Online—Interview: A former Iranian diplomat considered the French plan to create an international coalition to fight Hamas as a delusional, imaginary, and unrealistic plan, adding that this plan would increase the military presence of extra-regional forces in the Eastern Mediterranean, intensify military conflicts in the region, expand the war and internationalize it. This situation aggravates instability in the region, and of course, this is the same situation that Western countries benefit from and pursue their interests in.

Ahmad Dastmalchian told the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations that during the fight against Daesh, despite the creation of the “Western Coalition to Fight Daesh,” Western countries were among the biggest supporters of Takfiri and Daesh terrorists.

He said this referring to the plan that Emmanuel Macron presented during his trip to the occupied territories in a joint press conference with Netanyahu to confront Hamas, based on which Macron proposed to use the international experience and the capacities created during the fight against Daesh, to destroy the resistance groups in Palestine.

Dastmalchian said such a Macron proposal is illusionary, imaginary, and unrealistic.

“There are numerous examples. We have not forgotten that the American planes were dropping many weapons and aid through the air in the areas where Daesh was present. Also, Western intelligence services, including the French, transferred Takfiri terrorists from Europe to Turkey and sent them from there to Iraq and Syria. It cannot be forgotten that the newest model of equipment that was in European arsenals was provided to Daesh.”

The former ambassador of Iran to Lebanon stressed that Macron’s remarks were a deviant and wrong gesture that France created in the middle of this crisis because the conditions of that time and Daesh cannot be compared to the issue of the struggle of a nation and people who were oppressed for 75 years.

Dastmalchian added that the ominous reactionary triangle of Hebrew-Arab-Americans fed Takfiri terrorists and took the lives of innocent people. It was these people who, with the support of the resistance axis, destroyed Takfiri terrorists in Syria and Iraq. At that time, our noble Martyr General Qassem Soleimani provided many services to dry up the root of terror.

Dastmalchian stated that the efforts of Western countries and France to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad amid the fight against Daesh are in line with the ominous plans of the West for the region and added that what we see in Gaza and in connection with the resistance of Hamas is the struggle of a nation that has risen, suffered and been oppressed and has been mobilized to fight under the umbrella and title of resistance, including Hamas. It is never possible to separate the resistance and the people in Lebanon and Palestine. This resistance emerged from within the same people under oppression and has become a national symbol and an institution of honor and dignity.

He pointed to parts of Macron’s plan that the international coalition against Hamas should also use the training of Iraqi forces. He said that the people and the Islamic governments of the region will not go along with such plans.

This former diplomat stated that France was looking to catch the fish it wanted from this muddy water and noted that France, who was expelled from its former colonies and spheres of influence due to the pressure of the regional nations, had made a lot of efforts previously to increase his political presence in the region in various ways. Still, now that France has experienced numerous failures, it is trying to increase its military presence, extend the scope of the conflict, and sell weapons under such plans.

Dastmalchian said, “Certainly, the plan that France is discussing will increase the presence of extra-regional military forces in the Eastern Mediterranean, intensify military conflicts in the region, expand the war, and internationalize it. This situation aggravates instability in the region, and of course, this is the same situation that Western countries benefit from and pursue their interests in it”.

No country has welcomed the French plan and is unwilling to accommodate it. Even the Arab countries are not ready to accept it. Therefore, it is a plan that is suffocated in the embryo, and it is a baby that will be born dead. The French authorities cannot ignore the strong waves of protest against the killings and human tragedies in Gaza and the expression of the broad solidarity of the people of Islamic and Arab countries and even the West with the resistance.

This analyst of regional developments added that France wants to close its eyes to the crimes of the child-killing Zionist regime and the rise of public opinion in the world in protest against these crimes with double standards and acts against the existence, life, and will of a nation under the name of fighting terrorism. No force can resist the will of a nation to determine its destiny, and such a force will be destroyed. We are witnessing how advanced tanks of the Zionist regime are targeted and killed in the streets of Gaza.

Emphasizing that the resistance axis is fighting a decisive and important war, Dastmalchian said that France supports the criminal regime of Israel more than before, and the public opinion of France also opposes this plan.

He added that French authorities, who have a history of colonialism in the region, are well aware of the realities of the region. But their lives depend on surrendering to the Zionist lobby, and they are under pressure to do whatever is dictated. As of now, the Zionist lobby is in power in the US, and the foreign minister of this country clearly states that he is a Jew and will inevitably defend the Zionists. The state of power in the West is so tied to the Zionist lobby that they depend on the support provided by the Zionists. Therefore, for their political interests, France and the US have become the mouthpieces of this strong lobby and cannot show their independent will.



Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

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An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

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Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.


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