An Analysis on French Presidential Election

2022/04/18 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online – Interview: Former Ambassador to Paris stated that there is no specific change in France’s situation compared with 2017 when Macron took office. He said:” Ukraine war was considered as an advantage for Macron and directed French voters to vote for him and his continuous presence as President”.

Abolghassem Delphi in an interview with the site of Strategic Council on Foreign Relations referred to holding of the first round of presidential election in France with 75% of people’s turn out and noted:” It was unlikely that among twelve candidates, any of them could win the election with more than 50% of the total votes. Therefore, according to speculations, Macron and Marine Le Pen opened their way to the second round of election”.

Having stated that 25% of the eligible voters did not vote, he added:” in the first round of the election, Macron managed to gain 27% of votes. In fact, it can be said that less than one third of French voters cast their votes in his favor, and his performance within the past five years was confirmed by the said percentage of the French society. However, other candidates gained even less votes. Yet, in 2017, Macron had gained 24% of the votes in the first round that indicates an increase in his votes”.

Having pointed to overall situation and social status of France at this round of the election, he considered them as the result of five years of Macron’s tenure of office and the policies he pursued. Concerning a comparison between the present situation and the one in 2017 in France, and having stressed on the effects of war in Ukraine on Europe in general and on France in particular, especially with regards to rising prices of grains, wheat and fuel, he said:” Europe has been impressed by the influx of refugees and immigrants who have left Ukraine and problems have been made for Europe and France; because they have limited capacities, the economic hardships of the refugees will be added up to the internal problems of these countries”.

Having reminded the dependency of Europe to Russian oil and gas to the extent of 40%, Delphi said:” the French may have the least dependence on Russian energy, because their main source of energy is nuclear power plants, and this is an advantage that makes them suffer the least problems from the war conditions in Ukraine compared with other European countries”.

Having stated that in the present situation, France pays its main attention to hold election and domestic issues in order to be able to hold the election properly and the people can cast their votes in a calm atmosphere, he added:” within the past five years, the combination in Macron’s cabinet was contrary to the tradition of the Fifth Republic in France, in a way that it did not too much rely on traditional parties, rights and lefts, and they had no role in the government. In continuation of Macron’s path and in present conditions, traditional parties have lost their role to the least at political scene of the country”.

The expert of international issues explained:” as we witnessed, Madame Anne Hidalgo, the candid of Socialist Party and the mayor of Paris, did not manage to gain even 5% of the votes. It was the same case with the candid of the Liberal Party. In fact, the main Macron’s competition is with right and radical left parties, extreme right and left are among those who can change the situation detrimental to Macron”.

Delphi continued:” a new phenomenon took place through holding the recent election in France, based on which traditional parties in the Fifth Republic that had divided the post of President among themselves, gained the least votes during their lifetime”.

He pointed out the economic situation of France within the recent years especially consequences emanated from the outbreak of covid-19 virus and also crisis originated from social riots and yellow vests protests due to bad economic status and added:” the situation of France in 2017 when Macron was elected and what he has presented to voters today, has major difference. All his efforts and those of his companions were aimed at preserving what had been there in France. In fact, today political, social – cultural as well as economic conditions of French people are not very much different from those of 2017”.

Having referred to general conditions of France in Europe, as one of the driving engines of the united Europe and as the president of the Council of European Union that faces with various weaknesses and crises, Delphi stated:” French voter expects at this situation the person who will be elected as the President, will be able to find a solution for such a volume of accumulated problems piled up within the past several years and what has caused Europe to suffer from the consequences of the war in Ukraine”.

The former diplomat of our country stressed:” at present situation, almost all of failed candidates of the first round, directly or indirectly, have called upon their supports to cast their votes in favor of Macron in the second round in order to prevent the victory of extreme right Le Pen. It was only Zemmour, the other extreme right candidate who gained about 7% of votes in the first round, called upon his supporters to cast their votes to Ms. Le Pen. It seems that the French know well that at such a situation, they should not simply change their field commander”.

He added:” with five years in office as the President, a clear record in the past, and compared with other candidates who are present in the election, Macron will definitely have greater capacity and experience to lead the country rather than a new person without any executive background”.

The expert of international issues said:” none of the other eleven candidates has had a high executive caliber, even at ministerial level in different French governments, and they are members of radical and extremist wings of the country. There will be consequences for the whole world, the Middle East and Muslims if any of them takes office”.

According to Delphi, it seems that war in Ukraine was considered as an advantage for Macron and directed French voters to vote for him and his continuous presence as President”. From this point of view, Macron has taken more benefits from war in Ukraine compared with other European countries”.

He continued:” if there happens nothing unexpected within the coming days until the second round of election, based on opinion polls Macron will win the election with 51% of votes”.

In connection with the principles of Macron’s foreign policy during his second term, former Iranian Ambassador to Paris said:” it seems that we will witness the continuation of the previous policies. However, Macron’s policies on the Middle East will affected by the U.S. departure (from the region) and he will make effort to have stronger presence in the Middle East”.


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