Tightening Yemeni Siege by Saudi-led Coalition & Exacerbation of Human Tragedy

2022/01/30 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online – Interview: Having stated that the situation of Yemeni people becomes more critical day by day, Head of Yemeni desk at Mersaad think tank said:” Saudi Arabia is heading towards exerting more human and humanitarian pressures on the people of Yemen, and once again by tightening the siege, it will prevent harboring ships that carry foodstuffs and fuel”.

Ahamad Haji Sadeghian in an interview with the site of Strategic Council on Foreign Relations pointed out to the attacks launched by Yemeni Ansarallah against UAE and remarks made by the official spokesman of Yemeni Air Force as saying Operation Hurricane Yemen was carried out within the framework of normal reaction to UAE invasions and upcoming operations would be even more painful for them. He noted that:” to analyze the causes of the attack, the dossier of Yemeni events should be thoroughly reviewed”.

Having stated that since two weeks ago it was clear that through warning of Ansarallah leaders and Sana government, they were heading towards targeting UAE, He added:” it was in 2020 when UAE announced that it had officially withdrawn from Yemen, however it was not true. But the country had practically reduced its direct presence to a large extent and did not directly participate in operations against Ansarallah, but they were present in areas like Al Rayan Airport of Al Mukalla city, Mayyun Island at the entrance of Bab-Al-Mandab, Port Behlaf installations, and even Honeysh Islands in Red Sea.

The expert on Yemen said:” Yet, the forces supported by UAE were active in Yemen, like 11 brigades of Giant Battalions in West coast and forces of Southern Transitional Assembly who had direct UAE support and played a role in the UAE puzzle in Yemen. Following the developments in Aden, UAE reduced its support to Transitional Assembly to some extent and in fact, the main forces of the country were the same 11 Giant Battalions”.

Sdeghian continued:” about three months ago we witnessed that Ansarallah adopted a strategy to siege Ma’areb in its operations towards the city. Having blocked the connecting roads and obstructing the access of Arab coalition to the city, Ansarallah tried to make a compromise with the tribes and lift the pressures of the coalition from the tribes to enable them to reach an understanding with Ansarallah more easily. They made a number of advancements in different attacks. For example, to attain the objective they made advancements in Al-Baiza province, where they entered into Shabwe province and Rayhan axel and captured the heights of the region and mover forward to Assailan region in order to liberate the Southern routes of Ma’areb from the control of the Arab coalition”.

He added:” In the same time, Ansarallah advanced towards the heights of Al-balagh in West of Ma’areb city and managed to control the Eastern Al-balagh heights and Ma’areb siege was practically completed. Ansarallha had an upper hand in the field after the advancements and with the continuation of the siege, one could consider that the tribes would most probably head towards peace and understanding with Ansarallah within the coming months.

Head of Yemen desk at Mersaad think tank stated that Saudi Arabia did not tolerate the situation and whereas it did not have the field potential in Yemen. Moreover, since the incapability of its army and its proxy forces was proven, Saudis solicited UAE. He said:” UAE entered once again into war with its proxy forces. Two months ago, four brigades of Giant Battalions evacuated Alhodaydeh Port along the Western coast to Al-Hays city in its south and were deployed to Shabwe province. From then on, UAE tried to move towards destroying the balance that was formed in Yemen”.

He added:” the four brigades launched a number of operations and Ansarallah withdrew. It seems that at present circumstance, Ansarallah policy is not to move towards the Southern regions of Yemen, instead, they would rather stabilize their dominance in the Northern regions. That’s why we witnessed that they did not show a strong resistance against UAE advancements in Beyhan and Assailan regions and tried to stabilize their positions in the Southern provinces”.

Having referred to the large number of casualties among Giant Battalion forces in these clashes and also their entrance to some towns of Ma’areb province, Sadeghian continued:” At this stage, the warnings of Ansarallah became very serious. Moreover, there were news circulated that bombardments of strategic region of Al-Balagh were also carried out by Emirati fighters”.

Having referred to the causes of reintegration and cooperation of UAE with Saudi Arabia after several years of serious disputes in Yemen, he explained:” Once Ansarallah realized that field equations were changing seriously, and after several warnings issued to UAE, they launched the attack against the country”.

Sadeghian emphasized:” in view of the behavior pattern of UAE that we witnessed within the past several years, it seems that we should witness de-escalation of tensions and the repetition of the country’s behavior in withdrawing and reducing its field role in Yemen. This can lead to applying Ansarallah policy to confront with Saudi invasion. Normally, in such circumstances, Saudis have always felt that the wind is not blowing to their favor and thus they exert human and humanitarian pressures on the people of Yemen and once again with tightening the siege, they will prevent harboring of ships containing foodstuffs and fuel”.

Having referred to the critical condition of Yemeni people in a war that Saudi-led coalition staged with the collaboration of the U.S. and the U.K., the head of Yemen desk at Mersaad think tank said:” As the United Nations admitted too, Yemeni crisis was the largest man-made human crisis and yet, all human rights agencies, governmental and non-governmental organizations turned their blind eyes and kept their lips tight on the catastrophes because of Saudi money has been poured! No voice is heard from them and unfortunately the people of Yemen experience an increasing critical condition every day”.

He noted:” according to statistics, almost 20% or about 5 million people of the total populations of Yemen need urgent humanitarian aids and about 80% of 30 million of the total population need humanitarian aids; this is a deplorable condition”.

Sadeghian pointed out to the necessity of breaking the Yemeni siege in line with the change of war equations in the country and said:” One should not pin any hope to the Westerners and international agencies because they had already shown their surrender to Saudis”.


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