How to Follow up UN Report on Assassination of Martyr Soleimani

2020/08/17 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online - A professor of international law said: "The mere fact that the United Nations has published a critical report against the United States regarding the assassination of Martyr Soleimani and has come to the conclusion that a number of facts must be presented is a victory for Iran because this organization is basically not capable of such actions.

Dr Gholamreza Khaji, in an interview with the website of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, referred to the publication of a new report by the UN rapporteur on the assassination of Martyr Sardar Soleimani, which has considered the act a violation of international law and an example of arbitrary killing by the United States and said: To pursue this stance of the UN Human Rights Council and the realization of our rights have we need to go through several channels as this report has no legal value without follow-up; This is because the Human Rights Council publishes reports on a variety of issues that remain as a piece of paper.


Need to Hold US Accountable by Human Rights Council


“The Human Rights Council’s decision is valid when it has legal implications, otherwise it only joins the archives,” he said. In the reports the Human Rights Council reviews randomly every three months in Geneva it should seek answers from the United States. After it gives an answer a vote should be taken and a ruling released against Washington. With this ruling, legal action can be taken in the Security Council and even in international courts.

Definite Condemnation of US in Assassination of Martyr Soleimani

“Because the assassination of an army general who is the official guest of another country is a gross international crime and the United States is definitely doomed. Of course, Americans see themselves as superior in their legal culture, and wherever they feel the issue is against them, they enter and engage in criminal operations. Countries must finally stand up to these criminal acts at some point. After the Islamic Revolution, it was Iran that stood up to them and was able to achieve good condemnations against the United States at the international level.

UN Rapporteur’s Report Must Be Used

“The vote of the UN rapporteur should be used,” he said, adding that for example, in the case of the Zionist regime, more than 10 resolutions have been submitted to the Human Rights Council and its human rights commissions and international forums, but what have been the effects and why is it not discussed and (Israel’s) membership is not suspended and why it is not ousted from the UN!

Emphasizing that there is no point in having a legal act that has no practical effect, he said: “Iran should raise this issue in the Human Rights Council to attend periodic US meetings because when a report is issued against a country, that country must give explanations. And then voting takes place in the Human Rights Council; In that case, the United States will definitely be condemned.

Plan to Suspend US in UN General Assembly

The international law analyst continued: “The issue of the US suspension can even be raised in the UN General Assembly. If there is only a propaganda move to suspend the United States, it will cause the flimsy grandeur of the United States to collapse among the countries, and they will be better able to express their power and show themselves on the international stage.

Ways to Pursue Assassination of Sardar Soleimani

Khaji considered filing a case and a complaint in the International Criminal Court as another way to pursue this issue and said: “In addition, lawsuits can be filed in The Hague for damages. There is also a plan called “International Responsibility of States” that if states commit a crime against another country, the country should take action against the violator, but not an act that is considered a crime in the international arena. Moreover, if the country does not admit guilt and is not punished, different countries can take group action against it.

Referring to the UN rapporteur’s statement that if this action was taken against a Western country, it would be considered a war action, he added: The US action in the assassination of Martyr Soleimani has different legal-political ways to deal with, but unfortunately despite the condemnation of the Zionist regime in the Security Council, as well as the numerous condemnations in the Human Rights Council, no practical action is being taken in this regard.

Khaji explained: “In a number of meetings of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, I noticed that the atmosphere of this council is basically against Israel when its representative rises, there are sharp protests against him in various forms. Most countries in the world do not basically consider Israel as an official country, but despite all the negative common law in the world that is reported against a country, they are not used at all.

Mere Statement of Facts by the United Nations a Victory for Iran

According to Khaji although the report could not be given legal credibility, as soon as the UN came to the conclusion that a number of facts should be presented, it was a victory for Iran. “The UN basically does not have the power to take such measures.” It is the pressure and power of Iran that shows that if they want to produce false reports, it will be to their detriment. This action has been taken under pressure from the Islamic Republic and some neighbouring countries.

Emphasizing the need to be smart about what the practical outcome of this report will be, the university professor stressed the importance of political action along with legal action, adding: “Our embassies need to be active in this regard, and by promoting the text released by the UN enlighten the public opinion in their country of the mission.


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