US Sanctions against ICC, Violation of Human Rights

2020/06/20 | interview, political, top news

Strategic Council Online: A university professor says US President Donald Trump’s order to set sanctions against staff of the International Court of Justice at The Hague shows that the Americans know no limits in committing all sorts of crimes. He added: "In the past, the Americans were never convicted for the crimes they committed in the past, but today a major substantial shift is taking shape globally and with the growing awareness and understanding of the world people they will react to these atrocious acts and behaviors.”

Dr. Mohammad Dehghan, referring to Trump’s executive order to set economic sanctions and travel restrictions on some judges and staff of the International Criminal Court for investigating US and Israeli troops on charges of war crimes in Afghanistan In 2014, noted: “The decision shows that Americans recognized no bounds in their crimes and actions and violate all human, legal, and international laws.”


UN Approval of Unlawful US Resolutions

He added: “After the events of 9/11, when it was never discovered whether it was fabricated or deliberate or a real attack, the Americans took the most advantage of occasion and because such a large-scale threat had occurred in the neighborhood of the United Nations, the UN Security Council passed the biggest number of unlawful resolutions beyond the UN Charter in their favor. Under one of those resolutions, the United States was allowed to maintain preemptive defense based on which license it launched attacks on various countries.

The university professor said that another resolution passed by the Americans at the time was that the US military involved in preventive defense operations would be protected from international prosecution. “During the bombing of Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya rapporteurs of some international organizations, such as UN Human Rights rapporteurs and Reporters without Borders, described the attacks on hospitals and public places as war crimes and pursued the case with a complaint to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

US Preemptive Action to Restrict the Hague Tribunal

Dehghan said: “When the Americans realized that a ruling would be issued against them for their violations Washington took precautionary measures to prevent the old resolution from being overturned and to prevent its troops from being summoned to The Hague in various countries and threatened the International Criminal Court and its judges with sanctions.

Referring to US crimes in recent decades and its disregard for international law, he said: “Today, the situation is different. In the current situation, we see that all the actions that are being taken are recorded in public view with personal cameras, and no one can stop it. The slightest action that is taken in connection with the bombings and crimes, just as we have seen images of assassination of George Floyd (the black American suffocated by the US police) spread around the world and what the consequences have been, things that were not possible ten years ago. It should be noted that American actions during the era of slavery were far worse.

Increasing Global Awareness of US and Zionist Regime Crimes

The international affairs analyst stressed that the Americans cannot prevent the registration of their war crimes and those of the Zionists and others in the world, and that the further we go, the more this awareness will grow. They were never been convicted in the past, just as they never apologized to the Japanese for bombing Hiroshima nor were condemned for their actions.

Noting that today, due to the extensive communication between nations, a major substantial change in the world is taking shape, he said: “As the awareness and understanding of the people of the world increases, they will react to these acts and brutal behavior.” The United States has committed dozens of crimes in a country like Vietnam, and there have been no cameras to record their crimes, and public opinion has not been provoked about them, and they have been able to evade responsibility for all their crimes and are now even more demanding!

Pointing to the tendency of the United States to exclude the actions of American soldiers from others and not to address their crimes in different countries, Dehghan stressed: When the level of awareness and sensitivity of public opinion rises, there will certainly be conditions for the international community to come under pressure again and apply restrictive laws for the next actions of the Americans so that they will have to be more careful to deal with such crimes.

Pointing to the EU foreign policy chief’s concern about the International Criminal Court’s sanctions, the university professor described the international hierarchical system as unjust from the outset, saying: “We see five countries in the world approving or rejecting any resolution. The countries of the world are just watching. In the UN General Assembly, the votes of 194 countries have no validity and are not binding, but the votes of those five countries are binding on the whole world. It is a world based on injustice since World War II, but the critique of the international system by public opinion will certainly pave the way for reform.


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