An Analysis on Intensification of hostile movements of Zionist regime against Iran

Strategic Council Online - Opinion: In recent weeks, the atmosphere of conflict and tension between Iran and the Zionist regime has taken on new dimensions. The war of words between military and political officials on both sides has escalated to such an extent that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, in an interview with the Sunday Times, stressed that “big issues are going to take place in the relations of the Middle East and Asia”. But whatever those issues are, the Zionist regime will definitely be one of its main losers. Hamid Khoshayand – Expert in regional affairs

The Zionists, in the context of specific actions, seek to draw and create a controlled atmosphere of “pre-war” against Iran; an atmosphere that has the characteristics of war, and the trumpet of war is played in it but does not end in war.

In this regard, in recent weeks, the Zionists have organized their anti-Iranian actions directly and indirectly in three specific areas, namely terrorism, sabotage, and diplomatic pressure at the regional and international levels, and have used all their power to advance such attempts, which of course will receive the answer in time.

The assassination of Martyr Sayyad Khodaei, the sabotage in facilities affiliated with the Ministry of Defense, the increase in the level of security and diplomatic movements in the region with an aim of creating a regional consensus against Iran, as well as the widespread psychological atmosphere regarding Iran’s planned operations against Zionist citizens in Turkey are all within such framework.

All the measures that the Zionist regime has taken in those three areas form the main lines of its “multidimensional confrontation” against Iran. It is interesting that this confrontation, which has recently been included, simultaneously and more intensely, on the agenda of the Zionists, has been going on for many years with different forms and titles.

The Zionist regime’s project is to form a “new military coalition” against the Islamic Republic of Iran with the participation of the United States, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Egypt, which is the “main feature” of the regime’s multidimensional confrontation with Iran. Gantz, the Defense Minister of the Zionist regime, in a statement said, ‘in confronting Iran, what is needed is not just cooperation, but the creation of a US-led regional force’.

This issue is being pursued by the Zionist regime while the mentioned coalition has already been implemented against Iran on a “large scale” in the fields of economy, security, psychological operations, and so on by the United States and its regional and international partners and has passed its test in the scene of action.

Altogether, there are two categories of “internal” and “external” obstacles, which from now on show the formation of such a consensus and coalition against Iran. First, the special geopolitical situation of Iran, along with the turbulent and critical internal situation of the Zionist regime, has made the Zionists unable to take effective action against Iran, even if the countries of the region cooperate.

The second is the “lack of favorable cooperation” within the region and internationally with the Zionist regime to confront Iran. Any adventure and provocation of the Zionists against Iran requires the participation of the countries of the region, obtaining the permission of the United States, and even the consent of Russia. The White House will not give Tel Aviv the green light on action against Iran, given its estimates of its internal and external conditions and those of the Zionist regime, global conditions, the situation in the region, and Iran’s deterrent power. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Turkey, and Russia do not accompany Tel Aviv in this regard.

In recent months, the UAE has made it clear that it is not participating in any anti-Iranian coalition and will not be used as a platform to attack Iran, by sending a high-level security delegation to Tehran and in a recent telephone conversation between its foreign minister and the Iranian foreign minister.

Saudi Arabia, at least to improve its security situation and manage the Yemeni war, is not going under the burden of a military coalition against Iran. The task of Russia and Turkey is clear in this regard, and according to the friendly relations and the interests and priorities they have in relation to Iran, are not included in such controversial alignments.

It should be noted that Russia has recently had problems with the Zionist regime. The attack on Damascus airport was a violation of all international law and Russia’s red lines, which has aroused Moscow’s sensitivity and concern, and for the first time, Russia is trying to refer the case of the Zionist regime to the Security Council. This issue, despite the veto of the United States and the European members of the Security Council, caused concern in Tel Aviv.

There is an important issue here, and that is the increase in the level of security warnings to the Zionist citizens regarding the trip to Turkey, which has even raised the voice of the Turkish authorities. Why the Zionist regime, despite the movement of its citizens in various countries in the region, including the UAE, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Morocco, etc., is concentrated on Turkey, should be a “thought-provoking” point for Ankara, indicating a “targeted scenario” for destroying and weakening Turkey’s relations with Iran and it is necessary that the Ankara government should be “vigilant” in this regard.

Interestingly, the Zionist regime’s mischievous game in Turkey has caused trouble for the country, and Turkey’s tourism, which is one of the country’s main sources of income, has been somewhat “stagnant” due to declining tourist numbers in recent weeks!

In any case, if evaluated from the perspective of a “cost-benefit” approach, it certainly has not achieved any significant gains for Tel Aviv in terms of the costs incurred, other than “inductive and illusory successes”. On the contrary, it has deepened and intensified anti-security threats from inside and outside against the Zionist regime.

Of course, the Zionists have a special “trick” in this regard, which they always try to do with “media and political propaganda” to pretend that they have the initiative in the face of confronting Iran. Really, how can a regime that cannot defend itself against a strip (Gaza) that is 40 kilometers long and 6 kilometers wide for more than a few days, make such claims against the most powerful country in the region ?!

In any case, it is better for the leaders of the Zionist regime to get rid of the illusion of adventure, because the Islamic Republic of Iran is constantly monitoring the developments in the region and its surroundings, and enjoys the necessary defense readiness and deterrence and sufficient power for any adventurism against its national security and interests.


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