جدیدترین مطالب

Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

Strategic Council Online—An expert on Caucasus issues said that the Turkish Foreign Minister recently stated in a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart: “Our current strategy is dialogue and peace, and we ask Iran and Russia to play a constructive role in this process.” According to these statements, Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees and its consequences have once again been considered.

Japan’s Goals of Strengthening Its Military Power in East Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Japan said: Strengthening Japan’s military activities is a 25-year plan to show that it is capable of becoming one of the military powers of the region and the world by relying on its military values and capabilities.

An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on European issues said: The British Labor Party, led by Keir Starmer, won the election by winning an overwhelming majority of the seats in the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Conservative party, led by Rishi Sunak, has lost 170 seats and is on the way to its heaviest political defeat since the party was founded in the 19th century.

Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.


Ballistic missiles

Strategic Importance of Establishing Iran’s Permanent Scientific Base at the South Pole

Strategic Importance of Establishing Iran’s Permanent Scientific Base at the South Pole

Strategic Council Online – Interview: Commander of the Strategic Navy of the Army emphasized that Iran’s presence at the South Pole, in addition to increasing its geopolitical weight, also brings deterrent power, adding: Now the people and the scientific community have the demand that in the South Pole we use our property and rights, and due to the existence of the necessary capacities, this measure has been put on the agenda.

Consequences of West’s Military Balance Change against Russia

Consequences of West’s Military Balance Change against Russia

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: Based on the latest developments in the Ukraine war Vladimir Putin, citing new sanctions and “aggressive remarks” of the West, led by the United States, has put Russia’s nuclear forces on alert.
Abed Akbari – Expert on international affairs

Causes & Consequences of China & Russia Confrontation versus the U.S. on Resolution against North Korea

Causes & Consequences of China & Russia Confrontation versus the U.S. on Resolution against North Korea

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert of international issues mentioned the reason why Russia and China did not accompany the West on North Korea’s ballistic and nuclear missiles because of security balance considerations and balance of power versus the West and said:” new circumstances in international system caused Russia and China to strategically distance from some of their principles”.

Dimensions, Consequences of China-Saudi Missile Cooperation

Dimensions, Consequences of China-Saudi Missile Cooperation

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: CNN recently reported that Saudi Arabia is actively cooperating with China to develop ballistic missiles. According to satellite images obtained by CNN from its sources, Saudi Arabia is producing ballistic missiles at least in one base.
Kamran Karami – Researcher on Saudi Arabia affairs

Turkey’s Nuclear Program Strategy

Turkey’s Nuclear Program Strategy

Strategic Council Online – Guest Post: Although Turkey has traditionally been committed to the non-proliferation regime, but concerning Erdogan’s pro-Ottoman leadership, Turkish domestic policy seems to be a major determining factor for forming Turkey’s nuclear policy.
Seyed Hamed Hosseini – PhD Student in International Relations

Saudi Objectives in Reintroducing Fraudulent Ceasefire Plan in Yemen

Saudi Objectives in Reintroducing Fraudulent Ceasefire Plan in Yemen

Strategic Council Online – An analyst of West Asia affairs said that the repeated presentation of the ceasefire plan by Saudi Arabia was done solely for the purpose of hindering the progress in Ma’rib Province, adding that Saudi Arabia is trying to buy time to make it clear to the United States and the West that they seek peace and deceive the public opinion by saying that they are after putting an end to the war and seek peace and ceasefire.

Europe eyeing Iran agreement beyond JCPOA

Europe eyeing Iran agreement beyond JCPOA

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert of geopolitical issues says when the United States and Europe raise issues beyond the scope of the JCPOA, Iran can reduce its commitments or reciprocate any non-compliance by the West in the nuclear deal.

Field Advances of Ansarullah; Despair of Saudi Regime in Yemen

Field Advances of Ansarullah; Despair of Saudi Regime in Yemen

Strategic Council Online – An expert on West Asia affairs said that Saudi Arabia is trying to somehow save itself from the predicament of the war in Yemen, adding: By taking back the Ma’rib Province, no area in the northern part of Yemen will remain in the hands of Saudi Arabia or Saudi mercenaries and Ansarullah will exercise its sovereignty over all those areas.

Prospect for JCPOA with Biden Coming to Power

Prospect for JCPOA with Biden Coming to Power

Strategic Council Online – One of the most important questions that have come to the attention of political circles and domestic media in recent weeks is the way the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Acton (JCPOA) will be treated by the new US administration and that what would be the fate of the JCPOA in the Biden administration?
Hamid Khoshayand – Expert on International Affairs

Strategic Deterrence Is the Axis of Resistance against Zionist Regime

Strategic Deterrence Is the Axis of Resistance against Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Due to the geographical constraints of the Occupied Territories and the vulnerability of the Zionist regime its officials are reluctant to enter into a classic war against Lebanon and other Resistance countries, as they are well aware that any military action by this regime will sooner or later face the reaction of the Resistance Axis states.
Hassan Hanizadeh – Middle East Expert

أحدث الوظائف

Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

Strategic Council Online—An expert on Caucasus issues said that the Turkish Foreign Minister recently stated in a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart: “Our current strategy is dialogue and peace, and we ask Iran and Russia to play a constructive role in this process.” According to these statements, Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees and its consequences have once again been considered.

Japan’s Goals of Strengthening Its Military Power in East Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Japan said: Strengthening Japan’s military activities is a 25-year plan to show that it is capable of becoming one of the military powers of the region and the world by relying on its military values and capabilities.

An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on European issues said: The British Labor Party, led by Keir Starmer, won the election by winning an overwhelming majority of the seats in the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Conservative party, led by Rishi Sunak, has lost 170 seats and is on the way to its heaviest political defeat since the party was founded in the 19th century.

Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.


Ballistic missiles

Strategic Importance of Establishing Iran’s Permanent Scientific Base at the South Pole

Strategic Importance of Establishing Iran’s Permanent Scientific Base at the South Pole

Strategic Council Online – Interview: Commander of the Strategic Navy of the Army emphasized that Iran’s presence at the South Pole, in addition to increasing its geopolitical weight, also brings deterrent power, adding: Now the people and the scientific community have the demand that in the South Pole we use our property and rights, and due to the existence of the necessary capacities, this measure has been put on the agenda.

Consequences of West’s Military Balance Change against Russia

Consequences of West’s Military Balance Change against Russia

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: Based on the latest developments in the Ukraine war Vladimir Putin, citing new sanctions and “aggressive remarks” of the West, led by the United States, has put Russia’s nuclear forces on alert.
Abed Akbari – Expert on international affairs

Causes & Consequences of China & Russia Confrontation versus the U.S. on Resolution against North Korea

Causes & Consequences of China & Russia Confrontation versus the U.S. on Resolution against North Korea

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert of international issues mentioned the reason why Russia and China did not accompany the West on North Korea’s ballistic and nuclear missiles because of security balance considerations and balance of power versus the West and said:” new circumstances in international system caused Russia and China to strategically distance from some of their principles”.

Dimensions, Consequences of China-Saudi Missile Cooperation

Dimensions, Consequences of China-Saudi Missile Cooperation

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: CNN recently reported that Saudi Arabia is actively cooperating with China to develop ballistic missiles. According to satellite images obtained by CNN from its sources, Saudi Arabia is producing ballistic missiles at least in one base.
Kamran Karami – Researcher on Saudi Arabia affairs

Turkey’s Nuclear Program Strategy

Turkey’s Nuclear Program Strategy

Strategic Council Online – Guest Post: Although Turkey has traditionally been committed to the non-proliferation regime, but concerning Erdogan’s pro-Ottoman leadership, Turkish domestic policy seems to be a major determining factor for forming Turkey’s nuclear policy.
Seyed Hamed Hosseini – PhD Student in International Relations

Saudi Objectives in Reintroducing Fraudulent Ceasefire Plan in Yemen

Saudi Objectives in Reintroducing Fraudulent Ceasefire Plan in Yemen

Strategic Council Online – An analyst of West Asia affairs said that the repeated presentation of the ceasefire plan by Saudi Arabia was done solely for the purpose of hindering the progress in Ma’rib Province, adding that Saudi Arabia is trying to buy time to make it clear to the United States and the West that they seek peace and deceive the public opinion by saying that they are after putting an end to the war and seek peace and ceasefire.

Europe eyeing Iran agreement beyond JCPOA

Europe eyeing Iran agreement beyond JCPOA

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert of geopolitical issues says when the United States and Europe raise issues beyond the scope of the JCPOA, Iran can reduce its commitments or reciprocate any non-compliance by the West in the nuclear deal.

Field Advances of Ansarullah; Despair of Saudi Regime in Yemen

Field Advances of Ansarullah; Despair of Saudi Regime in Yemen

Strategic Council Online – An expert on West Asia affairs said that Saudi Arabia is trying to somehow save itself from the predicament of the war in Yemen, adding: By taking back the Ma’rib Province, no area in the northern part of Yemen will remain in the hands of Saudi Arabia or Saudi mercenaries and Ansarullah will exercise its sovereignty over all those areas.

Prospect for JCPOA with Biden Coming to Power

Prospect for JCPOA with Biden Coming to Power

Strategic Council Online – One of the most important questions that have come to the attention of political circles and domestic media in recent weeks is the way the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Acton (JCPOA) will be treated by the new US administration and that what would be the fate of the JCPOA in the Biden administration?
Hamid Khoshayand – Expert on International Affairs

Strategic Deterrence Is the Axis of Resistance against Zionist Regime

Strategic Deterrence Is the Axis of Resistance against Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Due to the geographical constraints of the Occupied Territories and the vulnerability of the Zionist regime its officials are reluctant to enter into a classic war against Lebanon and other Resistance countries, as they are well aware that any military action by this regime will sooner or later face the reaction of the Resistance Axis states.
Hassan Hanizadeh – Middle East Expert

Ballistic missiles

Strategic Importance of Establishing Iran’s Permanent Scientific Base at the South Pole

Strategic Importance of Establishing Iran’s Permanent Scientific Base at the South Pole

Strategic Council Online – Interview: Commander of the Strategic Navy of the Army emphasized that Iran’s presence at the South Pole, in addition to increasing its geopolitical weight, also brings deterrent power, adding: Now the people and the scientific community have the demand that in the South Pole we use our property and rights, and due to the existence of the necessary capacities, this measure has been put on the agenda.

Consequences of West’s Military Balance Change against Russia

Consequences of West’s Military Balance Change against Russia

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: Based on the latest developments in the Ukraine war Vladimir Putin, citing new sanctions and “aggressive remarks” of the West, led by the United States, has put Russia’s nuclear forces on alert.
Abed Akbari – Expert on international affairs

Causes & Consequences of China & Russia Confrontation versus the U.S. on Resolution against North Korea

Causes & Consequences of China & Russia Confrontation versus the U.S. on Resolution against North Korea

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert of international issues mentioned the reason why Russia and China did not accompany the West on North Korea’s ballistic and nuclear missiles because of security balance considerations and balance of power versus the West and said:” new circumstances in international system caused Russia and China to strategically distance from some of their principles”.

Dimensions, Consequences of China-Saudi Missile Cooperation

Dimensions, Consequences of China-Saudi Missile Cooperation

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: CNN recently reported that Saudi Arabia is actively cooperating with China to develop ballistic missiles. According to satellite images obtained by CNN from its sources, Saudi Arabia is producing ballistic missiles at least in one base.
Kamran Karami – Researcher on Saudi Arabia affairs

Turkey’s Nuclear Program Strategy

Turkey’s Nuclear Program Strategy

Strategic Council Online – Guest Post: Although Turkey has traditionally been committed to the non-proliferation regime, but concerning Erdogan’s pro-Ottoman leadership, Turkish domestic policy seems to be a major determining factor for forming Turkey’s nuclear policy.
Seyed Hamed Hosseini – PhD Student in International Relations

Saudi Objectives in Reintroducing Fraudulent Ceasefire Plan in Yemen

Saudi Objectives in Reintroducing Fraudulent Ceasefire Plan in Yemen

Strategic Council Online – An analyst of West Asia affairs said that the repeated presentation of the ceasefire plan by Saudi Arabia was done solely for the purpose of hindering the progress in Ma’rib Province, adding that Saudi Arabia is trying to buy time to make it clear to the United States and the West that they seek peace and deceive the public opinion by saying that they are after putting an end to the war and seek peace and ceasefire.

Europe eyeing Iran agreement beyond JCPOA

Europe eyeing Iran agreement beyond JCPOA

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert of geopolitical issues says when the United States and Europe raise issues beyond the scope of the JCPOA, Iran can reduce its commitments or reciprocate any non-compliance by the West in the nuclear deal.

Field Advances of Ansarullah; Despair of Saudi Regime in Yemen

Field Advances of Ansarullah; Despair of Saudi Regime in Yemen

Strategic Council Online – An expert on West Asia affairs said that Saudi Arabia is trying to somehow save itself from the predicament of the war in Yemen, adding: By taking back the Ma’rib Province, no area in the northern part of Yemen will remain in the hands of Saudi Arabia or Saudi mercenaries and Ansarullah will exercise its sovereignty over all those areas.

Prospect for JCPOA with Biden Coming to Power

Prospect for JCPOA with Biden Coming to Power

Strategic Council Online – One of the most important questions that have come to the attention of political circles and domestic media in recent weeks is the way the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Acton (JCPOA) will be treated by the new US administration and that what would be the fate of the JCPOA in the Biden administration?
Hamid Khoshayand – Expert on International Affairs

Strategic Deterrence Is the Axis of Resistance against Zionist Regime

Strategic Deterrence Is the Axis of Resistance against Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Due to the geographical constraints of the Occupied Territories and the vulnerability of the Zionist regime its officials are reluctant to enter into a classic war against Lebanon and other Resistance countries, as they are well aware that any military action by this regime will sooner or later face the reaction of the Resistance Axis states.
Hassan Hanizadeh – Middle East Expert


Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

Strategic Council Online—An expert on Caucasus issues said that the Turkish Foreign Minister recently stated in a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart: “Our current strategy is dialogue and peace, and we ask Iran and Russia to play a constructive role in this process.” According to these statements, Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees and its consequences have once again been considered.

Japan’s Goals of Strengthening Its Military Power in East Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Japan said: Strengthening Japan’s military activities is a 25-year plan to show that it is capable of becoming one of the military powers of the region and the world by relying on its military values and capabilities.

An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on European issues said: The British Labor Party, led by Keir Starmer, won the election by winning an overwhelming majority of the seats in the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Conservative party, led by Rishi Sunak, has lost 170 seats and is on the way to its heaviest political defeat since the party was founded in the 19th century.

Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.


Ballistic missiles

Strategic Importance of Establishing Iran’s Permanent Scientific Base at the South Pole

Strategic Importance of Establishing Iran’s Permanent Scientific Base at the South Pole

Strategic Council Online – Interview: Commander of the Strategic Navy of the Army emphasized that Iran’s presence at the South Pole, in addition to increasing its geopolitical weight, also brings deterrent power, adding: Now the people and the scientific community have the demand that in the South Pole we use our property and rights, and due to the existence of the necessary capacities, this measure has been put on the agenda.

Consequences of West’s Military Balance Change against Russia

Consequences of West’s Military Balance Change against Russia

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: Based on the latest developments in the Ukraine war Vladimir Putin, citing new sanctions and “aggressive remarks” of the West, led by the United States, has put Russia’s nuclear forces on alert.
Abed Akbari – Expert on international affairs

Causes & Consequences of China & Russia Confrontation versus the U.S. on Resolution against North Korea

Causes & Consequences of China & Russia Confrontation versus the U.S. on Resolution against North Korea

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert of international issues mentioned the reason why Russia and China did not accompany the West on North Korea’s ballistic and nuclear missiles because of security balance considerations and balance of power versus the West and said:” new circumstances in international system caused Russia and China to strategically distance from some of their principles”.

Dimensions, Consequences of China-Saudi Missile Cooperation

Dimensions, Consequences of China-Saudi Missile Cooperation

Strategic Council Online – Opinion: CNN recently reported that Saudi Arabia is actively cooperating with China to develop ballistic missiles. According to satellite images obtained by CNN from its sources, Saudi Arabia is producing ballistic missiles at least in one base.
Kamran Karami – Researcher on Saudi Arabia affairs

Turkey’s Nuclear Program Strategy

Turkey’s Nuclear Program Strategy

Strategic Council Online – Guest Post: Although Turkey has traditionally been committed to the non-proliferation regime, but concerning Erdogan’s pro-Ottoman leadership, Turkish domestic policy seems to be a major determining factor for forming Turkey’s nuclear policy.
Seyed Hamed Hosseini – PhD Student in International Relations

Saudi Objectives in Reintroducing Fraudulent Ceasefire Plan in Yemen

Saudi Objectives in Reintroducing Fraudulent Ceasefire Plan in Yemen

Strategic Council Online – An analyst of West Asia affairs said that the repeated presentation of the ceasefire plan by Saudi Arabia was done solely for the purpose of hindering the progress in Ma’rib Province, adding that Saudi Arabia is trying to buy time to make it clear to the United States and the West that they seek peace and deceive the public opinion by saying that they are after putting an end to the war and seek peace and ceasefire.

Europe eyeing Iran agreement beyond JCPOA

Europe eyeing Iran agreement beyond JCPOA

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert of geopolitical issues says when the United States and Europe raise issues beyond the scope of the JCPOA, Iran can reduce its commitments or reciprocate any non-compliance by the West in the nuclear deal.

Field Advances of Ansarullah; Despair of Saudi Regime in Yemen

Field Advances of Ansarullah; Despair of Saudi Regime in Yemen

Strategic Council Online – An expert on West Asia affairs said that Saudi Arabia is trying to somehow save itself from the predicament of the war in Yemen, adding: By taking back the Ma’rib Province, no area in the northern part of Yemen will remain in the hands of Saudi Arabia or Saudi mercenaries and Ansarullah will exercise its sovereignty over all those areas.

Prospect for JCPOA with Biden Coming to Power

Prospect for JCPOA with Biden Coming to Power

Strategic Council Online – One of the most important questions that have come to the attention of political circles and domestic media in recent weeks is the way the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Acton (JCPOA) will be treated by the new US administration and that what would be the fate of the JCPOA in the Biden administration?
Hamid Khoshayand – Expert on International Affairs

Strategic Deterrence Is the Axis of Resistance against Zionist Regime

Strategic Deterrence Is the Axis of Resistance against Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Due to the geographical constraints of the Occupied Territories and the vulnerability of the Zionist regime its officials are reluctant to enter into a classic war against Lebanon and other Resistance countries, as they are well aware that any military action by this regime will sooner or later face the reaction of the Resistance Axis states.
Hassan Hanizadeh – Middle East Expert


Erdogan’s Motives and Opportunities for Reconciliation with the Syrian Government

Strategic Council Online—An expert on Caucasus issues said that the Turkish Foreign Minister recently stated in a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart: “Our current strategy is dialogue and peace, and we ask Iran and Russia to play a constructive role in this process.” According to these statements, Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees and its consequences have once again been considered.

Japan’s Goals of Strengthening Its Military Power in East Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Japan said: Strengthening Japan’s military activities is a 25-year plan to show that it is capable of becoming one of the military powers of the region and the world by relying on its military values and capabilities.

An Analysis of the Possible Approach of the New British Government in Foreign Policy

Strategic Council Online—Interview: An expert on European issues said: The British Labor Party, led by Keir Starmer, won the election by winning an overwhelming majority of the seats in the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Conservative party, led by Rishi Sunak, has lost 170 seats and is on the way to its heaviest political defeat since the party was founded in the 19th century.

Unpredictable Consequences of a Possible Comprehensive Attack on Lebanon for the Zionist Regime

Strategic Council Online – Interview: The former ambassador of Iran in Jordan emphasized that the possibility of the Zionist regime’s army attacking Lebanon is high and said it is unlikely the ceasefire negotiations and the release of prisoners will play a deterrent role in preventing the war between this regime and the Hezbollah, the consequences of which cannot be avoided.
