Early Failure of ‘Deal of Century’

Strategic Council Online: President Donald Trump’s senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner, has acknowledged that the economic part of the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ has faced defeat due to the coordinated opposition of the Palestinian groups. Zahra Rezaei – International relations researcher

The Palestinian groups had previously stressed that the ‘Deal of the Century’ could not be implemented and that the Palestinians would try to make it fail.

A glance at historical records shows that since the 1970s, parallel efforts have been made by the United States to bring about reconciliation between the Arabs and Israelis and Palestinians and Israelis with the main goal of these efforts being to legitimize the occupier regime of Israel.

During these years, some countries, such as Egypt and Jordan, signed peace treaties with the Zionist regime, but others did not want to sign such a treaty. Thus, efforts to resolve the root of the controversies and existing differences, namely the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have so far failed and generated no result.

In the past few years, with the coming to power of Donald Trump, a new plan called the “Deal of the Century” has been publicized with the aim of ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Every now and then some details of the plan are published. But observers believe that this scheme too just like the previous ones is doomed to failure for certain reasons.

What Is ‘Deal of the Century’ and What Are Its Aims?

Recently, the Hebrew language daily “Yisrael Hayom”, citing a document circulated by the officials of the Zionist regime’s foreign ministry revealed some details of the US-Palestinian peace plan or the so-called “Deal of the Century”.

According to the newspaper, based on a tripartite agreement between the Zionist regime, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Hamas Movement a Palestinian state called “New Palestine” will be established in the West Bank and Gaza, with the exception of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The settlement blocs in the West Bank will remain under Israeli control and will stretch to reach other isolated settlements.

According to the document, Qods (Jerusalem) will not be divided or shared between Israel and New Palestine and will be the capital of both Israel and New Palestine. The Arab population in Qods will be citizens of New Palestine. The Municipality of Qods will be responsible for all areas of the city except for education, which will be dealt with by the new Palestinian government. The new Palestinian Authority will pay taxes and water costs to the Qods Municipality.

Egypt will lease new land to Palestine to construct an airport and factories and serve the commercial and agriculture sectors without allowing Palestinians to reside on this land. The borders of these lands and leasing price will be determined between the two parties through the mediation of the supporting countries. A highway connecting the West Bank and Gaza Strip will also be established.

Egypt aims to create a factory, airport, and places for trade and agricultural land in Palestine, but will not allow Palestinians to settle on these lands.

According to the plan, New Palestine will not be allowed to create an army and possess strong arms. The only weapons it will be allowed to possess will be light weapons for the police.

A protection treaty would be signed between Israel and New Palestine under which it will pay Israel to defend it from foreign aggression. The cost of this payment must be determined in negotiations between the parties which would be mediated by the supporting Arab states.

An agreement will be signed between the Zionist regime and Palestine, according to which Israel will defend the new Palestine against any foreign aggression, but this defence is conditional on its payment to the regime, and negotiations will be held between the Zionist regime and the “moderate” Arab states about the amount the Arabs will pay to the Israeli army as a protection cost (to defend the new Palestine).

Considering these details, the plan seems totally unilateral with the goal of disarming the Palestinian Resistance and justifying the occupation of the Zionist regime.

Bahrain Conference: A Show to Launch ‘Deal of the Century’

In the first phase of the project implementation, after the passage of six months, a conference related to the ‘Deal of the Century’ was formulated and drafted, which included behind-the-scenes preparations for normalization of relations between the Arab states and the region and the Zionist regime.

The Zionist regime argued why they should be involved with an Arab and Arabic speaking country, while they can enter a relationship with the remaining 99%, and after that, the problem of the one per cent will also be resolved.

Thus, Jared Kushner, the Jewish bridegroom of the US president and the main architect of the ‘Deal of the Century, in fact, organized a meeting in Bahrain with the aim of financing the implementation of the ‘Deal of the Century’ from the pocket of the Arab states.

The Bahrain conference followed two goals: First, auctioning the Palestinian land to advance the Deal of the Century’. Donald Trump either during his election campaign or his presidential tenure has always emphasized that the US allies must pay the cost for of America’s international presence. In this regard, for example, we saw pressure on Europe to cover more costs in NATO or push the Saudis to pay for their security under US protection. Concerning the ‘Deal of the Century’ too, the United States is trying to fund its plan by the countries of the region.

The second goal was to showcase the normalization of Arab-Israeli relations. The peak of these efforts can be seen in the visit of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Oman, as well as the visit of some Zionist regime officials to the UAE and Bahrain. Holding a conference with the participation of senior Arab and Zionist regime leaders in an Arab country like Bahrain could highlight this goal more than ever.

With all this and in spite of US efforts to engage a wider spectrum of Arab states and other countries in the conference, only finance ministers from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and the Bahraini Foreign Minister were among the most prominent Arab states attending the event.

The meeting was held under conditions that all Palestinian groups, including the Palestinian Authority, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, had announced that they would not abandon the Palestinian cause in exchange for bribes.

China, Russia and the European Union too cast doubts on the success of the ‘Deal of the Century’ because it overlooked the principle of occupation, and therefore refused to attend the Bahrain meeting. In fact, as the son-in-law of the US president and the architect of the ‘Deal of the Century’ confessed, the meeting was a failure.

Reasons for Failure of Manama Conference & Obstacles to Implementation of ‘Deal of the Century’

The weak and unexpected participation of the Americans in the meeting exposed the despicable nature of the scheme and the point that it could not be implemented.

The most important obstacle in the realization of the ‘Deal of the Century’ is Hamas and the Gaza resistance. Since last year, many attempts have been made to impose sanctions and pressure on Hamas to give in to a big compromise with tempting offers.

The first part of the project focuses on the Gaza Strip and starts from this area. Yisraeli Hayom daily, quoting some Arab officials who did not disclose their names, claimed that the plan would improve the humanitarian crisis and the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip.

But developments in recent months in the Gaza Strip from rallies and fire kites to radical missile responses to Zionist regime attacks indicate that the resistance of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, with the understanding of the importance of the current situation, is seriously seeking to stand up against the ‘Deal of the Century’.

Based on the pieces of evidence and information leaked on the ‘Deal of the Century’ the issue of refugees is likely to be replaced by an “alternative homeland” outside occupied Palestine, and the “right to return” of the Palestinian refugees to their country is permanently cancelled.

This is while the issue of the ‘right to return’ to the homeland for all Palestinians is a vital issue that is ignored as a rejection of the Palestinian nature.

The opposition of the public opinion in the Arab and Islamic world will be another factor for the failure of this plan. Actions by some Arab and Islamic countries, such as Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, and … against the ‘Deal of the Century’, created a heavy atmosphere against compromising regimes and others involved in the issue, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt in the Arab world, and this resistance, has faced their goal for normalization of relations with the Zionist regime with difficulty.

Netanyahu’s domestic problems, along with the pessimism of part of the Zionist community about the ‘Deal of the Century’ should not be forgotten. It should be noted that the American scheme has been formulated and implemented without coordination with the European countries and the Russians. The introduction of the scheme, namely the transfer of the US embassy to the occupied Qods has shown that Europe and Russia are very concerned about this and strongly oppose it.

The acknowledgement by the Americans of the failure of the Manama conference and the united stance of the Palestinians and the Islamic Umma in opposing it turned the ‘Deal of the Century’ to the ‘Solidarity of the Century’ and an unprecedented unity between Palestinian groups and, to some extent, between Arab nations.

Adopting a united stance against the betrayal of certain Arab states and the mischief of the Americans showed that despite the passage of 70 years since the occupation of Palestine, new generations not only have not lost their feeling of patriotism towards their land but their relationship with Palestine is getting stronger every day.

The Palestinian people, especially the younger generation, once again demonstrated in action that despite all the threats and pressures and the killing of the Palestinians, through awareness and learning modern technics of resistance support their movement with more enthusiasm and will continue their struggles till full liberation of Palestine.


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